The History Project

The History Project is a non-profit organization that focuses on preserving the history of Boston’s community as to allow future generations access. Currently, they conduct research on lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender people is the state of Massachusetts, preserve the documentary record of that community’s social and historical contributions, and provide a forum for educating the general public on the history of the LGBT community.

Association for Gravestone Studies Western New England Chapter

Spring Meeting Saturday, April 22nd, 10 AM at the Stone House Museum in Belchertown, MA

CALL FOR SPEAKERS — If you would like to do a presentation (20-30 mins.), during the morning session, contact Bob Drinkwater: or (413) 549-0581.

Bob will offer a brief introduction to local 18th- and early 19th-century stonecutters, and after lunch, we plan to visit one or more local cemeteries.

If you plan to attend the meeting, please RSVP to Andrea:

Williamsburg Historical Society Winter Meeting

Williamsburg Church, 4 North Main Street
Tuesday, Feb 21st
6:30 PM Potluck Supper Social
7:30 PM Program:

The History of the Gristmill
A Central Feature of Burgy’s Industry in 1781
Rebuilt Several Times; Changed Hands Many Times

An Illustrated Talk by Mary Bisbee
Curator of Gristmill Farm Museum on Mill Street

For information call or email:
Ralmon Jon Black
Corresponding Secretary
[413] 268-7767

Commonwealth Historical Collaborative Hands-On Workshops

Here are the dates you’ve been awaiting for the Technical Assistance Sessions for the Commonwealth History Collaborative Catablog & Registry. There will be three sessions and anyone is invited to attend any one. However, there are a limited number of seats available, so please RSVP to me to be sure a computer will be available, first come, first served. There is no cost to you. The sessions will be held:

Wednesday, February 15 from 6 – 8 p.m.
Greenfield Community College, Room E144 in the East Building, Main Campus
(limit 20 people)

Thursday, February 23 from 6 – 8 p.m.Computer Lab, Holyoke Public Library, 250 Chestnut St., Holyoke
(limit 14 people)

Wednesday, March 1 from 6 – 8 p.m.
Computer Lab, Springfield City Library, 220 State St., Springfield
(limit 12 people)

For anyone connected with an historical society or historical museum who was not able to attend one of the focus groups, you are welcome to attend these sessions, as well. Small stipends may still be available.

The Commonwealth Historical Collaborative Catablog is a no-cost, low effort, database, hosted at UMass Amherst, that will assist organizations such as yours to have a greater internet presence and let others know what topics your collections cover, and how to access them.

SHRAB Regrant Program

Through grant funding from the National Historical Publications and Records
Commission (NHPRC), the Massachusetts State Historical Records Advisory Board
(MA SHRAB) is pleased to provide funding for the purchase of supplies and materials
needed to arrange, describe, preserve, and make accessible archival collections.
Preference will be given to institutions with smaller collections, within the range of
500 linear feet or less. Applicants will be required to provide matching funds or
services equal to the amount they are requesting from the MA SHRAB. Applicants who receive services through the MA SHRAB Roving Archivist program are encouraged to apply for these funds to implement
recommendations from their reports. Institutions who receive funds agree to the use
of their name in promotional materials for the program.
Maximum application amount: $1,000
For more information about this FREE program and application guidelines:

SHRAB Roving Archivist Program

Cropped eye candy

The Roving Archivist Program was developed by the Massachusetts State Historical Records Advisory Board (MA SHRAB) as part of its mission to provide leadership, advocacy and guidance to help ensure the identification, preservation, and use of the Commonwealth’s historical resources, both public and private. The Roving Archivist Program connects stewards of historical records with a professional archivist to assist in setting priorities, compile policies, and develop processes for processing, preserving, and cataloging collections for their institution. Applications for the Roving Archivist Program are accepted on a rolling basis. For more information about this FREE program and application instuctions: