Longmeadow Historical Society

Collections beginning with S

Scrapbook collection, 1779-1985

46 volumes (19 linear feet)

Scope and Content Note
The Longmeadow Historical Society scrapbook collection contains scrapbooks compiled by various Longmeadow individuals, including Lucy J. Smith, Annie Emerson, and Carrie A. Brewer. The majority of the scrapbooks consist of newspaper clippings, though some include manuscript material, photographs, trade cards, greeting cards, or other ephemera. Newspaper clippings cover a wide range of topics including obituaries, biographies of local citizens, weddings, area history, and other items of local interest.

Scrapbooks of particular interest include: a scrapbook of photographs and clippings documenting the 1938 New England hurricane (#16); several volumes with Paesiello Emerson’s photographs of Longmeadow homes and properties that also illustrate early infrastructure, agricultural activity including haying, as well as other localities (#35 and #37a); scrapbooks related to Longmeadow celebrations including the nation’s Bicentennial (#38 & #42) and the Longmeadow Sesquicentennial (#14); scrapbooks with valentines, Christmas cards, greeting cards, and trade cards from the 1880s (#29 and #37b); Lucy J. Smith’s scrapbooks covering Longmeadow and Springfield from the 1920s; and a scrapbook containing primary source materials including deeds, bills and receipts, passports, and other manuscripts dating from the 18th and 19th centuries related to the Lawton family (#40).

One copy of Annie Emerson’s scrapbook entitled “Longmeadow Historical Society. Memories, Past & Present” (formerly identified as #9a) is located at the Storrs Library.
Box and Folder Listing

Description Date range Volume number
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of miscellaneous newspaper clippings of local, regional and national interest. ca. 1920s 1
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of miscellaneous newspaper clippings of local, regional and national interest. 1932-1933 2
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of clippings of “Forgotten Facts about Springfield” ca. 1920s 3
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of clippings of “Forgotten Facts about Springfield” ca. 1920s 4
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of clippings of “Forgotten Facts about Springfield” 1933-1934 5
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of clippings related to Charles Dickens “Life of Our Lord” and Connecticut Valley churches 1934-1938 6
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of clippings, and photographs related to Longmeadow history and residents. Includes several manuscript letters. ca. 1900-1960 7
Scrapbook of clippings including poetry and articles related to religion Late 19th C -early 20th C 8
Annie Emerson scrapbook entitled “Longmeadow Historical Society. Memories, Past & Present” 1942 9b
Julia M. Bliss, Mrs. D.T. Smith and Mrs. W.C. Hart scrapbook of articles, notes, and photos centering on Longmeadow. Not located, 2018 undated 10
Julia M. Bliss, Mrs. D.T. Smith and Mrs. W.C. Hart volume entitled “Articles and Notes”. Includes articles on several prominent Longmeadow homes and families. Also contains information on May Breakfasts and notes from 1943 related to Longmeadow and the war effort. Copy of #10 without photos. Mid 20th C 10a
Charles R. Bliss scrapbook of articles related to church and missions in Wakefield, MA 1869-1873 11
Charles R. Bliss scrapbook of articles related to church matters 1876-1878 12
Carrie A. Brewer (Mrs. George E. Brewer) scrapbook of clippings of poems and articles related to Longmeadow 1871-1884 13
Helen C. Giles scrapbook related to the Longmeadow Sesquicentennial 1933 14
Scrapbook of clippings related to the Longmeadow area 1883-1898 15
Scrapbook of clippings and photographs related to the 1938 hurricane 1938 16
W. B. Medlicott scrapbooks of clippings related to the division of Longmeadow 1891-1894 17a, b, and c
Scrapbook of clippings entitled “News of Men & Women in Service From Longmeadow” Circa 1940s 18
Scrapbook of clippings, programs and other material related to Longmeadow and the Longmeadow Historical Society 1961-1969 19
Scrapbook of clippings related to airplanes 1946-1948 20
Scrapbook of clippings related to Longmeadow news and events 1940 21
Scrapbook of ephemera and clippings 1837-1916 22
Scrapbook of clippings related to Springfield and Longmeadow 1928-1941 23
Scrapbook of clippings including poems, obituaries, and other articles some relating to Longmeadow 1885-1902 24
J. M. Bliss (G.M. Bliss?) Scrapbook of clippings, many relating to the Nation’s Centennial 1800-1889 25
Annie Emerson scrapbook of clippings related to Longmeadow residents 1857-1897 26
Carrie A. Brewer (Mrs. George E. Brewer) scrapbook related to Longmeadow residents and history. Not located, 2018 1896-1907 27
Carrie A. Brewer (Mrs. George E. Brewer) scrapbook of clippings related to Longmeadow residents. 1917-1919 28
Scrapbook of Christmas and other greeting cards including valentines. Late 19th century 29
Album of advertising and trade cards Late 19th century 30
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of clippings related to Longmeadow news and events January -July, 1934 31
Lucy J. Smith scrapbook of clippings related to Longmeadow news and events August -December, 1934 32
Scrapbook of clippings related to Longmeadow news and residents. Possibly compiled by Miss Mary A. Booth 1899-1922 33
Mrs. George E. Brewer scrapbook of clippings related to Longmeadow history, news and residents, many possibly written by Mrs. Brewer. 1893-1926 34
Album of Paesiello Emerson photographs of Longmeadow homes and properties. Images are accompanied by plate #, street address, name of family, and date photograph was taken. Album also includes photographs from Hadley, Springfield, Ware, Marblehead, and the Boston area. Note that several of the photographs do not appear to be in the Digital Commonwealth online database. 1900-1913 35
Scrapbook organized and bound by the Longmeadow Historical Society. Not located, 2018 1900 36
Annie Emerson scrapbook of photographs of Longmeadow area properties. Many of the photographs likely by her brother Paesiello Emerson. Other photos are by John Farnum of the Springfield Republican. Scrapbook also includes several newspaper clippings related to Mrs. William Goodman. 1907-1922, undated 37a
Burbank collection of greeting cards, rewards of merit, ribbons, trade cards, and other ephemera. Original poem by Henry Lincoln Bailey dated 1915 1890s to 1910s
Autograph album signed by Longmeadow residents 1887 37c
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, and other ephemera related to Longmeadow’s celebration of the National bicentennial. 1975-1976 38
Scrapbook Converse Street School Parent Teacher Organization. Includes newspaper clippings and photographs related to PTO events and the closing of the school.
Also includes a xerox of a news clipping related to other are school closings from 1985
1981-1985 39
Scrapbook of manuscript material related to the Lawton Family. Materials include correspondence, deeds, bills and receipts, passports, and other manuscripts. Much of the material is related to John Lawton, Reverend Sanford Lawton, Sanford Lawton, and J. W. Lawton. Includes several interesting drawings by a Joseph Bunnell of England who was a relative to the Lawton Family. 1782-1881 40
Scrapbook of clippings related to Longmeadow recreation. Several clippings relate to local residents college admissions and graduations 1956-1958 41
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings related to Longmeadow and East Longmeadow Bicentennial celebrations. 1976 42
Elizabeth Kaiulani Parsons Robinson scrapbook of clippings related to local weddings and the East Longmeadow Rod and Gun Club. Scrapbook includes some loose materials including several hospital bills. 1940-1952 43
Edward P. Tabor scrapbook of clippings. Includes clippings on deaths, Longmeadow and East Longmeadow split and area news. The scrapbook also includes handwritten valuations for West Longmeadow, 1882, 1889, and 1890. Tabor was a local selectman. 1873-1906, 44
Scrapbook of miscellaneous clippings pasted into a wallpaper sample book. Some materials are related to Longmeadow residents and events. Includes obituaries and wedding announcements. 1941-1978 45


  • Longmeadow (Mass.)--Centennial celebrations, etc.
  • Longmeadow (Mass.)--History
  • Emerson, Paesiello (1832-1927)
  • Lawton family
Types of material
  • Clippings
  • Photographs
  • Scrapbooks
  • Trade cards (Advertising)

Longmeadow Historical Society sermon collection, circa 1710-1933

12 boxes (5 linear feet)

Some of the many 18th century sermons in this collection

Scope and Content Note
The sermons are arranged in three series. The first is alphabetical by the minister’s name (8 boxes), the second is Ministers 1-9 (2 boxes) and the third series is unidentified sermons and sermon excerpts (2 boxes). Most folders include an item-level listing of the contents. There are also some typed transcriptions by Helen Connor, who was probably the person who initially organized this collection.
Series one includes both published sermons and manuscript sermons, most of which have a direct relationship to Longmeadow. Many of the published works have ownership inscriptions from members of local families. One of the notable published works is the “Address to the Six Nations recommending the Gospel of Saint John” by Teyoninhokarawen, written in both English and the Mohawk language (London, 1805). This series has numerous manuscript sermons by Stephen Williams, the first minister of the First Church of Christ in Longmeadow (nearly 3 boxes) as well as all three of the ministers named Richard Salter Storrs (4 boxes). Many ministers traveled to speak to different congregations, often giving the same sermon multiple times. Some, like Reverend Williams, would note the various places and dates they had given that sermon at the top of the manuscript.
Series two is comprised of sets of manuscript sermons thought to be by the same person. Since the names are not known, they are identified by number (“1” through “9”) and when known, the location and dates are also given. The nine ministers are as follows:
Minister 1: First Church of Christ in Mansfield, CT. 1786-1809, 31 pieces.
Minister 2: Ellington, CT. 1790-1797, 25 pieces
Minister 3: Easthampton, MA. 1785-1795, 22 pieces
Minister 4: Northfield (MA or CT?). 1789-1794, 13 pieces
Minister 5: Northbury (CT?). 1766-1783, 36 pieces
Minister 6: Places and dates unknown. 41 pieces filed by gospel subject
Minister 7: Places unknown. 1789-1796, 6 pieces filed by date
Minister 8: Places unknown. 1789-1811, 4 pieces filed by gospel subject
Minister 9: Charlestown. 1790-1792, 4 pieces filed by gospel subject
With additional research, the authors of some of the sermons and excerpts in this series, as well as in Series three might be able to be identified.
Box and Folder Listing

Minister Title/Subject Box:Folder
Series I
Bacchus, Charles “A Fast Sermon” 1:1
Bacchus, Charles Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Storrs (Sarah Williston Storrs) 1:2
Bacchus, Charles “Century Sermon” 1:3
Barnes, Rev. Stephen G. “Theology and Life” 1:4
Bartlett, Robert Merrill “Three Centuries and Tomorrow” 1:5
Beckwith, George R. “Letter Concerning Lay-Ordination” 1:6
Beecher, Lyman, A.M. “The Bible a Code of Laws a Sermon, delivered at the ordination of Sereno Edwards Dwight…,” 1827 1:7
Bliss, Rev. Charles “Foundations of Sapphires,” Thanksgiving sermon, 1863 and “Religious Recognition,” 1874 1:8
Breck, Robert, A.M. “Funeral Sermon on the Reverend Dr. Stephen Williams,” 1782 and “Past dispensations of Providence called to mind: In a sermon, delivered in the First Parish in Springfield, on the 16th of October 1775. Just one hundred years from the burning of the town by the Indians” 1784 1:9
Burroughs, Eden (1738-1813) and Estabrook, Experience (1755-1799) ” A faithful narrative of the wonderful dealings of God, towards Polly Davis, of New-Grantham, in the state of New-Hampshire …,” 1794 1:10
Champion, Judah Election sermon, 1776 1:11
Colton, A.M. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Emeline G. Wright, 1863 1:12
Davis, Rev. Emerson “Memorial Sermons,” 1866 1:13
Dickinson, Rev. Baxter “The Importance and Means of an Able Ministry,” 1836, printed in the American National Preacher.
Doolittle, Mr. Handwritten, 1725-26 1:14
Ely,, Alfred, A.M. “Sermon Delivered at the Interment of Mrs. Lucretia Colton…,” 1821 1:15
Emerson, John, A.M. “Sermon Delivered at the Interment of William Billings, Esq., …,” 1813 1:16
Hall, Rev. Gordon “The Word of God is Not Bound,” 1857 1:17
Johns, Evan, A.M. “The Lethargy of Impenitence Exposed,” 1815
Lathrop, Joseph, D.D. 1789-1815 1:18
Park, Prof. Edwards A. 1874 1:19
Sargeant, Mr. Undated 1:20
Sprague. William B., D.D. 1863 1:21
Stone, Nathan, A.M. 1760 1:22
Stoddard, Mr. 1726 1:23
Stoddard, Mr. 1710, 1716 1:24
Storrs, John, A.M. 1786 1:25
Storrs, Richard Salter (1763-1819) 1785 2:1
1786 2:2
January – July, 1786 2:3
August – December, 1786 2:4
January – June, 1787 2:5
June – August, 1787 2:6
September – December, 1787 2:7
January – June, 1788 2:8
June – September, 1788 2:9
September – December 2:10
January – April, 1789 2:11
May – June, 1789 2:12
July – September, 1789 2:13
October – November, 1789 2:14
Storrs, Richard Salter (1763-1819) January – March, 1790 3:1
April – May, 1790 3:2
August – October, 1790 3:3
November – December, 1790 3:4
January – March, 1791 3:5
April – August, 1791 3:6
September – December, 1791 3:7
January – March, 1792 3:8
April – July, 1792 3:9
August – December, 1792 3:10
Storrs, Richard Salter (1763-1819) January – June, 1793 4:1
July – December, 1793 4:2
January – March, 1794 4:3
April – August, 1794 4:4
September – November, 1794 4:5
January – December, 1795 4:6
1796 4:7
1797 4:8
1800 4:9
“…Sermon Delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. Stephen Williams…1800”. 1801 4:10
1801 4:11
1802 4:12
Storrs, Richard Salter (1763-1819) January – October, 1803 5:1
1804 5:2
1805 5:3
1807 5:4
1809 5:5
1815 5:6
1819 5:7
1789-1791? (empty 8.2017) 5:8
1791-1792 ? 5:9
Undated 5:10
Undated (thought to be by Storrs) 5:11
Storrs, Richard Salter (1787-1873) “A Discourse Delivered at the Dedication of the North Meeting House in Braintree,” 1831 5:12
A Dialogue, Exhibiting Some of the Principles and Practical Consequences of Modern Infidelity,” 1806 5:13
Storrs, Richard Salter, Jr., D.D. (1821-1900) 4 printed sermons, 1861-1874 5:14
Teyoninhokarawen “Address to the Six Nations; recommending the Gospel of Saint John” 1805. English and Mohawk language 5:15
Thatcher, Peter, A.M. “Sermon on the Deathogf the Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq, L.L.D., F.R.S.,” 1790 5:16
Trumbull, Benjamin, D.D. “Sermon at the Funeral of the Rev. Mr. Noah Williston,” 1812 5:17
Tyler, W.S. “A Discourse Commemorative of Hon. Samuel Williston…,” 1874 5:18
Williams, Rev. Stephen (1693-1782) Guide to Williams Sermons (Symbol Guide) 6:1
1714 6:2
1715 6:3
January – March, 1716 6:4
May – December, 1716 6:5
1717 6:6
1718 6:7
January – July, 1719 6:8
August – December, 1719 6:9
January – June, 1720 6:10
July – November, 1720 6:11
1721 6:12
1722 6:13
1723 6:14
1724 6:15
1725 6:16
1727 6:17
1730 6:18
1731 6:19
1732 6:20
1733 6:21
April 1, 1733 6:22
1734 6:23
1735 6:24
1736 6:25
1737 6:26
1738 6:27
1739 6:28
Williams, Stephen (1693-1782) 1740 7:1
January – June, 1741 7:2
September – November, 1741 7:3
1742 7:4
1743 7:5
June – July, 1744 7:6
July – December, 1744 7:7
1745 7:8
1746 7:9
1747 7:10
1748 7:11
1749 7:12
January – May, 1750 7:13
May – November, 1750 7:14
August 25, 1750 7:15
1751 7:16
Williams, Stephen (1693-1782) January – March, 1752 8:1
May – August, 1752 8:2
January – June, 1753 8:3
July – December, 1753 8:4
1754 8:5
1755 8:6
1756 8:7
1757 8:8
1758 8:9
1759 8:10
1760 8:11
1764 8:12
1769 8:13
1770 8:14
Sermon: Town Meeting, March 9, 1771 8:15
1772 8:16
1774 8:17
1775 8:18
1776 8:19
1777 8:20
March 29, 1778 8:21
1779 8:22
1780 8:23
1781 8:24
Sermon excerpts (Stephen Williams’ hand?), 1707 8:25
Paper on his position as Minister, undated 8:26
Sermon fragments. References to Bliss: Sarah, Ebenezer, and Peletiah, undated 8:27
Fragments, undated 8:28
Williams, Warham and Estabrook, Mr. Notes on sermons by Williams and Estabrook, 1760-1761, unknown author. 8:29
Wiswell, S 1712 8:30
Wolcott, Samuel “Discourse Delivered in Belchertown, Mass on the Day of the Annual State Thanksgiving,” 1850 8:31
Series II
Minister I – Mansfield, Connecticut Reference file 9:1
1786-1792 9:2
1792-1803 9:3
1803-1805 9:4
1806-1809 9:5
Minister II – Ellington, Connecticut 1790-1793 9:6
1794-1795 9:7
1795-1796 9:8
October, 1796 – June, 1797 9:9
July, 1797 – December, 1797 9:10
Minister III – Easthampton, Massachusetts 1785 – March, 1793 9:11
November, 1793 – May, 1794 9:12
December, 1794 – October, 1795 9:13
Minister IV – Norfield April, 1789 – January, 1791 9:14
October, 1791 – October, 1793 9:15
September – December, 1793 9:16
Minister V – Northbury November, 1766 – July 5, 1772 10:1
August, 1773 – June 7, 1778 10:2
June, 1779 – May, 1782 10:3
March, 1782 – June, 1783 10:4
September 8, 1783 – December 21, 1783 10:5
Minister VI Undated 10:6
Undated 10:7
Undated 10:8
Undated 10:9
Minister VII 1789 and 1796 10:10
Minister VIII 1789-1811 10:11
Minister IX – Charlestown 1790-1793 10:12
Series III
Unidentified 18th century 11:1-22
Unidentified 18th and 19th century 12:1-14


  • Congregationalism--Sermons--18th century
  • Congregationalism--Sermons--19th century
  • First Church of Christ (Longmeadow, Mass.)
  • Mohawk language--Texts
  • Storrs, Richard Salter (1763-1819)
  • Storrs, Richard Salter (1787-1873)
  • Storrs, Richard Salter (1821-1900)
  • Williams, Stephen (1693-1782)
Types of material
  • Extracts (partial documents)
  • Sermons