Finding aid
These records document the Town of Westborough’s role in forming, arming, and supplying the Westborough Unit of the Massachusetts Militia and the Continental Army through the American Revolutionary War, and they demonstrate the sacrifices the Town made to support the war effort.
Official collection name: Records of Westborough’s Involvement in the American Revolution, the Massachusetts Militia, and the Continental Army, 1774-1792
Location: Shelving and Oversize
Local identifier: OD.005
Creator: Town of Westborough, the Westborough Unit of the Massachusetts Militia and the Continental Army, and Charles H. Reed.
Date: 1774-1792
Extent: 2.5 linear feet (1 box + materials in the Military Oversize Box)
Subject: United States–History–Revolution, 1775-1783
Online access:
Finding aid: OD005 – Westborough in the American Revolution – 2021-02-08
Final report entitled, “State Land in Westborough: A Plan for Its Use,” created by the Westborough Land Reuse Committee.
Official collection name: Westborough Land Reuse Committee Records, 1981-1982
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.020
Creator: Westborough Land Reuse Committee
Date: 1981-1982
Extent: One 3-hole punch binder
Subject: City planning–Westborough (Mass.)
Finding aid
These records cover the years 1805-1829, which overlap with the time period of the War of 1812. They document the formation of the Westborough Light Infantry, its administration, and its training activities, and they include meeting minutes, committee reports, warrants, treasury accounts, bills and receipts, and military orders.
Official collection name: Records of the Westborough Light Infantry, 1805-1829
Location: Shelving and Oversize
Local identifier: OD.006
Creator: Westborough Light Infantry, Second Division, Second Brigade, Seventh Division of the Massachusetts Militia
Date: 1805-1829
Extent: 2.5 linear feet (1 box + materials in the Military Oversize Box)
Subject: Westborough Light Infantry; United States–History–War of 1812
Finding aid: Westborough Light Infantry – 16-06-10
Finding aid
Maps and atlases, mostly focused on Westborough and its surrounding areas.
Official collection name: Westborough Map Collection
Location: 2 map case drawers, double oversize atlases (in the wooden bookcase), Roll Boxes, library walls, and online
Local identifier: LH.012
Creator: Westborough Public Library
Date: Undetermined
Extent: 8 linear feet (double oversize and 4 Roll Boxes) + Map case
Subject: Maps–Westborough (Mass.)
Online access:
Finding aid: Westborough Map Collection – 19-12-16
Three scrapbooks containing newspaper announcements and reviews of stage productions, playbills, and photographs of performances.
Official collection name: Westborough Players’ Club Records, 1937-1981
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.009
Creator: Westborough Players’ Club
Date: 1937-1981
Extent: 1 linear foot (3 binders)
Subject: Theater–Westborough (Mass.)–Societies, etc.
Documents, ledger books, notebooks, circulation records, Trustee meeting minutes, book lists, bookplate printing block, etc. Also includes the Westborough Public Library Millennium Project Scrapbook (2000), a series of photographs and images documenting the history of the Westborough Public Library.
Official collection name: Records of the Westborough Public Library, 1874-Present
Location: Shelving; Map case (A4).
Local identifier: LH.048
Creator: Westborough Public Library
Date: 1874-Present
Extent: 4.5 linear feet (4 boxes + Scrapbook)
Subject: Westborough Public Library (Mass.)
Finding aid
The collection includes meeting minutes, personnel records, financial accounts, bills and receipts, payroll records, and a letter by Capt. William P. Blackmer from Harper’s Ferry on October 4, 1861 that refers to the abolitionist John Brown. The Company included men from Southborough, Upton, Shrewsbury, Hopkinton, and Northborough, and some of the records in this collection contain information on soldiers and administration that relate to these surrounding towns of Westborough.
Official collection name: Records of the Westborough Rifle Company, 1861-1870
Location: Shelving and Oversize
Local identifier: OD.007
Creator: Westborough Rifle Company
Date: 1861-1870
Extent: 2.75 linear feet (2 boxes + materials in the Military Oversize Box)
Subject: United States–History–Civil War, 1861-1865
Online access:
Finding aid: Westborough Rifle Company – 16-06-10
Photo album that documents buildings and life at the Westborough State Hospital from 1923-1955.
Official collection name: Westborough State Hospital Photo Album, 1923-1955
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.022
Creator: Barbara (Whitney) Wagner
Date: 1923-1955
Extent: One photo album
Subject: Westborough State Hospital (Mass.)–Pictorial works
File cards recording information about individual soldiers from Westborough who served in World War I.
Official collection name: Service Records for Soldiers Serving in World War I, 1917-1919
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.026
Creator: Unknown
Date: 1917-1919
Extent: Packet of filing cards
Subject: World War, 1914-1918; Soldiers
Scrapbook with photographs of Westborough soldiers and newspaper clippings about Westborough’s involvement in World War II.
Official collection name: World War II Memorial Scrapbook, 1942-1948
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.015
Creator: Daisy V. Parker
Date: 1942-1948
Extent: 1.5 linear feet (one scrapbook)
Subject: World War, 1939-1945–Westborough (Mass.)
Online access: