
Westborough Public Library

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H (5 collections) CHC

1938 Hurricane Scrapbook

Scrapbook of newspaper clippings documenting the September 21, 1938 hurricane.

Official collection name: 1938 Hurricane Scrapbook

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.045

Creator: Unknown

Date: 1938

Extent: One scrapbook

Subject: Hurricane damage–Westborough (Mass.)

Helen Phillips Scrapbook

Scrapbook collecting together a series of newspaper articles from the Westborough News about Westborough local history under the title, “Can You Name It?”. Helen Phillips may or may not be the author of the articles.

Official collection name: Helen Phillips Scrapbook of “Can You Name It?” Newspaper Articles, 1978

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.030

Creator: Helen Phillips

Date: 1978

Extent: One scrapbook

Subject: Newspapers–Westborough (Mass.)

Historic District Surveys

Photocopies of house surveys that are held at the Westborough Historical Commission and some administrative documents that were sent to the Library for the convenience of the public during the process of nominating sections of town for Historic District status.

Official collection name: Historic District Surveys and Documentation, 1978-2008

Location: Filing cabinet

Local identifier: LH.002

Creator: Westborough Historical Commission and the Westborough Public Library

Date: 1978-2008

Extent: 6 file folders

Subject: Historic buildings–Westborough (Mass.)

Historical Objects

Historical objects whose purpose is to give a general sense of history in a hands-on and visual way. The collection includes stereoscopes, a band uniform, and linen calendar and tea towel marking Westborough’s 275th anniversary.

Official collection name: Historical Objects

Location: Westborough Room, Shelving, and the Elevator Room.

Local identifier: LH.058

Creator: Westborough Public Library

Date: 1900 – 1992 (approximate)

Extent: 4 linear feet (3 boxes)

Subject: Antiques

Westborough House Histories

Residents who have conducted historical research on their homes are encouraged to submit the results to the Westborough Public Library to share with future home owners.

Official collection name:
 Westborough House Histories

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.066

Creator: Westborough Public Library

Date: 2019 – present

Extent: .25 linear feet

Subject: Dwellings–Westborough (Mass.)–History