Books, hard drive. Ledger book detailing the lives of boys at the State Reform School in Westborough from 1856-1857, annual reports, and a book about the history and life at the school. See also the folder for “Lyman School” in the Local History by Subject collection (LH.001).
Official collection name: Records of the Lyman School for Boys [State Reform School]
Location: Shelving and unprocessed box in work shelving.
Local identifier: LH.016
Creator: Westborough Public Library
Date: 1847-1959
Extent: .5 linear foot (books, film, hard drive) + one unprocessed box
Subject: Reformatories–Massachusetts–Westborough (Mass.); Lyman School for Boys
Online access:
Finding aid
Photographs, letters, diaries, maps, administrative documents, scrapbooks. Papers and records relating to Westborough history collected by Charles H. Reed and later his daughter, Rachel Deering. Some of the items form the core of the book collection and the Genealogies of Westborough Families collection.
Official collection name: Historical Papers of Dr. Charles H. Reed (a.k.a., the Reed Collection)
Location: Shelving; Map case; Roll Box.
Local identifier: LH.013
Creator: Charles H. Reed and Rachel Deering
Date: Undetermined
Extent: 5 linear feet (8 boxes + one oversize box + map case + Roll Box)
Subject: Local history–Westborough (Mass.); Westborough (Mass.)–Social life and customs
Finding aid: Reed Collection Finding Aid
Bound School Committee reports.
Official collection name: Westborough School Committee Reports, 1881-1900, 1910, 1970-1971
Location: Wood shelving
Local identifier: LH.050
Creator: Town of Westborough
Date: 1881-1900, 1910, 1970-1971
Extent: .5 linear feet
Subject: Schools–Westborough (Mass.)–Periodicals
Finding aid
Most of the records in this collection were created in the nineteenth century. They document planning for the repair and building of schools, splitting the town into separate districts, the hiring and firing of teachers, and the administering of schools within each district. Documents relating to disciplining students include the “Report on Events Leading to Expelling Emey Colburn by the Westborough School Association, 1840” (OS.02), “Adotped By-Laws Concerning Truant Children, 1871” (1.015), and entries from March 14-28, 1887 in School Committee Records, 1862-1892 (1.002).
Official collection name: Historical Records of the Town of Westborough: Schools
Location: Shelving and Oversize
Local identifier: OD.004 (Accession number 2015.02)
Creator: Town of Westborough
Date: 1724-1932
Extent: 3 linear feet (1 banker box + 1 oversize box)
Subject: Schools–Westborough (Mass.)
Finding aid: Westborough School Docs – 20-01-08
Bound volumes of Street Lists.
Official collection name: Westborough Street Lists, 1924-Present
Location: Wood shelving
Local identifier: LH.053
Creator: Town of Westborough
Date: 1924-Present
Extent: 3.5 linear feet
Subject: Westborough (Mass.)–Address books
Annual reports, newsletters, brochures, and maps created by the Sudbury Valley Trustees.
Official collection name: Sudbury Valley Trustees Records, 1983-2000
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.021
Creator: Sudbury Valley Trustees
Date: 1983-2000
Extent: One binder and one folder
Subject: Conservation of natural resources–Massachusetts–Sudbury River Watershed
Finding aid
Documents, textiles, and photographs that document Westborough’s celebration of the 300th anniversary of the founding of Massachusetts in 1930.
Official collection name: Tercentenary Committee Records
Location: Shelving and Oversize
Local identifier: OD.008
Creator: Town of Westborough
Date: 1928-1931
Extent: 3 linear feet (1 box + 1 photograph box + 2 oversize boxes)
Subject: Celebrations–Massachusetts–Westborough (Mass.)–1620-1640
Finding aid: Tercentenary Committee Records – 16-06-10
Scrapbooks. Newspaper clippings, brochures, correspondence, photographs, and newsletters documenting the activities of The Listening Ear, a help phone line for people in need.
Official collection name: The Listening Ear Records, 1967-1978
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.044
Creator: The Listening Ear
Date: 1967-1978
Extent: 2 binders
Subject: Hotlines (Counseling)
Run, with gaps, of The Oriel, Westborogh High School’s literary magazine.
Official collection name: The Oriel
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.043
Creator: Westborough High School
Date: ca. 1915-1953
Extent: 1.5 linear feet (one box)
Subject: Schools–Westborough (Mass.)–Periodicals
Finding aid
Photo albums, administrative documents, programs, binders. Records of The Round Table, a Westborough social club, that document its meetings and activities.
Official collection name: Records of The Round Table, 1889-1991
Location: Shelving
Local identifier: LH.010
Creator: The Round Table, Westborough, MA
Date: 1889-1991
Extent: 2.5 linear feet (File folders + 10 binders/volumes)
Subject: Westborough (Mass.)–Societies and clubs; Westborough (Mass.)–Social life and customs
Finding aid: The Round Table – 16-06-10