
Westborough Public Library

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W (11 collections) CHC

Welcome Home Celebration

Description and photographs of the July 4th, 1991 celebration welcoming home Westborough veterans who served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Official collection name: Welcome Home Celebration for the Westborough Veterans of Desert Shield and Desert Storm Photo Album, 1991

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.027

Creator: Frederick Brown, with photographs by Richard Cesary

Date: 1991

Extent: One photo album

Subject: Operation Desert Shield, 1990-1991; Persian Gulf War, 1991; Celebrations–Westborough (Mass.)

Westborough Fire Reports

Fire reports from Westborough that were submitted to the Department of Public Safety – Division of Fire Prevention, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Official collection name: Westborough Fire Reports to the Department of Public Safety – Division of Fire Prevention, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1931-1945

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.024

Creator: Department of Public Safety – Division of Fire Prevention, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Date: 1931-1945

Extent: Packet of filing cards

Subject: Fires–Westborough (Mass.)

Westborough Games

Two games based on Monopoly with a Westborough theme.

Official collection name: Westborough Games

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.047

Creator: Westborough Public Library

Date: 2000-2017

Extent: 1.5 linear feet (two boxes)

Subject: Games–Westborough (Mass.)

Westborough Light Infantry

Finding aid

These records cover the years 1805-1829, which overlap with the time period of the War of 1812. They document the formation of the Westborough Light Infantry, its administration, and its training activities, and they include meeting minutes, committee reports, warrants, treasury accounts, bills and receipts, and military orders.

Official collection name: Records of the Westborough Light Infantry, 1805-1829

Location: Shelving and Oversize

Local identifier: OD.006

Creator: Westborough Light Infantry, Second Division, Second Brigade, Seventh Division of the Massachusetts Militia

Date: 1805-1829

Extent: 2.5 linear feet (1 box + materials in the Military Oversize Box)

Subject: Westborough Light Infantry; United States–History–War of 1812

Finding aid: Westborough Light Infantry – 16-06-10

Westborough Players’ Club

Three scrapbooks containing newspaper announcements and reviews of stage productions, playbills, and photographs of performances.

Official collection name: Westborough Players’ Club Records, 1937-1981

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.009

Creator: Westborough Players’ Club

Date: 1937-1981

Extent: 1 linear foot (3 binders)

Subject: Theater–Westborough (Mass.)–Societies, etc.

Westborough Public Library

Documents, ledger books, notebooks, circulation records, Trustee meeting minutes, book lists, bookplate printing block, etc. Also includes the Westborough Public Library Millennium Project Scrapbook (2000), a series of photographs and images documenting the history of the Westborough Public Library.

Official collection name: Records of the Westborough Public Library, 1874-Present

Location: Shelving; Map case (A4).

Local identifier: LH.048

Creator: Westborough Public Library

Date: 1874-Present

Extent: 4.5 linear feet (4 boxes + Scrapbook)

Subject: Westborough Public Library (Mass.)

Westborough Rifle Company

Finding aid

The collection includes meeting minutes, personnel records, financial accounts, bills and receipts, payroll records, and a letter by Capt. William P. Blackmer from Harper’s Ferry on October 4, 1861 that refers to the abolitionist John Brown. The Company included men from Southborough, Upton, Shrewsbury, Hopkinton, and Northborough, and some of the records in this collection contain information on soldiers and administration that relate to these surrounding towns of Westborough.

Official collection name: Records of the Westborough Rifle Company, 1861-1870

Location: Shelving and Oversize

Local identifier: OD.007

Creator: Westborough Rifle Company

Date: 1861-1870

Extent: 2.75 linear feet (2 boxes + materials in the Military Oversize Box)

Subject: United States–History–Civil War, 1861-1865

Online access:

Finding aid: Westborough Rifle Company – 16-06-10

Westborough Women’s Club Records

Meeting minutes, agendas, scrapbooks, and correspondence of the Westborough Women’s Club.

Official collection name: Westborough Women’s Club Records

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.054

Creator: Westborough Women’s Club

Date: 1916-2012

Extent: 7 linear feet (14 boxes)

Subject: Westborough (Mass.)–Societies and clubs; Westborough (Mass.)–Social life and customs

Westborough’s 300th Anniversary Celebration Records

Finding aid

The collection consists of some administrative planning documents relating to the Spring Festival Family Fun Day, and the rest are publications, handouts, posters, school projects, and other items relating to Westborough’s anniversary celebration.

Official collection name: Westborough’s 300th Anniversary Celebration Records

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.060

Creator: 300th Anniversary Committee and Westborough Public Library

Date: 2017

Extent: 2.5 linear feet (3 boxes)

Subject: Local history–Westborough (Mass.); Westborough (Mass.)–Social life and customs; Celebrations–Westborough (Mass.)

Online access:

  • Archive-It (websites): coming soon!

Finding aid: Westborough 300th Anniversary Celebration Records 18-01-12

World War I Service Records

File cards recording information about individual soldiers from Westborough who served in World War I.

Official collection name: Service Records for Soldiers Serving in World War I, 1917-1919

Location: Shelving

Local identifier: LH.026

Creator: Unknown

Date: 1917-1919

Extent: Packet of filing cards

Subject: World War, 1914-1918; Soldiers