Part of: Board of Regents of Higher Education Division of Academic Affairs
Statewide program review files, 1981-1986.
3 record center cartons
Call no.: ED5.02/321
Scope and Content: The Division of Academic Affairs under the Board of Regents of Higher Education is responsible for evaluating academic programs of public institutions of higher education in Massachusetts and for participating in statewide long-range educational planning. Program review files contain comparative reports on specific subject areas such as business administration, engineering, and nursing at institutions across the state.
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Part of: Board of Regents of Higher Education Division of Academic Affairs
Subject files, 1980-1985.
3 record center cartons and 1 document box
Call no.: ED5.02/317
Scope and Content: The Division of Academic Affairs under the Board of Regents of Higher Education is responsible for granting approval to public colleges and universities seeking to establish new degree programs or to modify existing ones; for evaluating academic programs; and for participating in systemwide planning for state institutions of higher education and in other board functions. Subject files contain minutes, agendas, reports, memoranda, and correspondence of special task forces, committees, and planning groups relating to these and other activities in which the division is involved.
Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by subject
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Advisory Council on Education
Teacher education and certification study files, 1967-1968.
3 record center cartons
Call no.: ED3/808X
Scope and Content: The Massachusetts Advisory Council on Education (MACE) was established by St 1965, c 572, s 2 to recommend policies that would improve the performance of public education systems in the Commonwealth. Through its director of research, the council coordinated and sponsored studies of educational issues, drawing on the expertise of individuals and organizations both inside and outside state government. For one of its first projects, the council engaged Lindley J. Stiles to conduct a yearlong study of teacher education and certification. The resulting report, Teacher certification and preparation in Massachusetts, led to the passage of the first performance-based teacher certification legislation in the country (St 1973, c 847). Study files contain administrative materials and completed survey forms.
Arrangement: In two subseries: (1) Administrative files (2) Survey forms
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