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County Records (26 collections) CHC

Debtors calendar [Suffolk County (Mass.). Sheriff]

Part of: Suffolk County (Mass.). Sheriff

Debtors calendar, 1799-1943.

11 volume
Call no.: CY2.13/408X

Scope and Content: The Massachusetts General Court, early in the state’s constitutional period, reaffirmed the sheriff’s traditional role as keeper of the county jail (St 1783, c 44; MGLA c 126, s 16). He was mandated to keep a calendar of prisoners (St 1784, c 41; MGLA c 127, s 5) and to house debtors separately from those charged with crime (St 1784, c 41; MGLA c 127, c 22), presumably leading to the practice, at least in Suffolk County, of keeping separate calendars for the two groups until 1943.  Series lists those in the debtors category.
Notes: Vols. 1-2 have cover title: Sheriffs kalendar. Vol. for Sept. 1820-June 1823 lacking. Vol. 1-3, 1799-1812, also include: Criminal calendar, 1799-June 1814 (for later vols. see series (M-Ar)409X)
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Descriptions of railroad locations [Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners]

Part of: Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners

Descriptions of railroad locations, 1831-1913.

1 document box and 2 volumes
Call no.: CY1.09/2162X

Scope and Content: Middlesex County was incorporated on May 10, 1643 (Mass Recs 2:38), continuing under successive governments of Massachusetts, most recently the Commonwealth (1780), as outlined in MGLA c 34.  Administrative powers and duties previously exercised at various times under the laws of the Commonwealth by the county courts of general sessions of the peace, county courts of common pleas, and circuit courts of common pleas, were assigned to commissioners in Middlesex and other counties, per St 1827, c 77 (1828).  The government of Middlesex County in this and other respects was abolished as of the effective date of St 1997, c 48 (approved July 11, 1997)
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
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Dockets [Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners]

Part of: Middlesex County (Mass.) – County Commissioners

Dockets, 1829-1997.

101 record center cartons
Call no.: CY1.09/2151X

Scope and Content: Middlesex County was incorporated on May 10, 1643 (Mass Recs 2:38), continuing under successive governments of Massachusetts, most recently the Commonwealth (1780), as outlined in MGLA c 34.  Administrative powers and duties previously exercised at various times under the laws of the Commonwealth by the county courts of general sessions of the peace, county courts of common pleas, and circuit courts of common pleas, were assigned to commissioners in Middlesex and other counties, per St 1827, c 77 (1828).  The government of Middlesex County in this and other respects was abolished as of the effective date of St 1997, c 48 (approved July 11, 1997)
Arrangement: In two segments: (1) Boxes A1-30–1829-1905; arranged chronologically (2) Boxes B1-71, 1906-1997;  arranged by docket number
Notes: Files also contain unnumbered items through 1908 which from 1909 are classified as: Orders ((M-Ar)2154X)
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Expense ledger [Middlesex County Truant School (Mass.).]

Part of: Middlesex County Training School (Mass.)

Expense ledger, 1901-1903.

1 volume
Call no.: CY2.091/2144X

Scope and Content: The Middlesex County Truant School (renamed Middlesex County Training School in 1908) was authorized in 1892 and opened in 1894 for the commitment of boys in that county and from Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop between the ages of seven and sixteen adjudged habitual truants, absentees, or school offenders.  The school was closed in 1973.  Ledger shows expenditures of the school.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by month
Notes: Transferred to Archives from Middlesex County Commissioners, January 22, 1998
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Extended record [Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners]

Part of: Middlesex County (Mass.) – County Commissioners

Extended record, 1831-1997.

Subseries (1): 28 volumes; Subseries (2): 14 volumes in 2 record center cartons and 37 volumes
Call no.: CY1.09/2152X

Scope and Content: Middlesex County was incorporated on May 10, 1643 (Mass Recs 2:38), continuing under successive governments of Massachusetts, most recently the Commonwealth (1780), as outlined in MGLA c 34.  Administrative powers and duties previously exercised at various times under the laws of the Commonwealth by the county courts of general sessions of the peace, county courts of common pleas, and circuit courts of common pleas, were assigned to commissioners in Middlesex and other counties, per St 1827, c 77 (1828).  The government of Middlesex County in this and other respects was abolished as of the effective date of St 1997, c 48 (approved July 11, 1997)
Arrangement: In two subseries: (1) Record books, 1831-1929  (2) Item books: Dockets/Orders, 1851-1997; Contracts, 1922-1997; arranged within each subseries chronologically
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Licenses issued [Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners]

Part of: Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners

Licenses issued, 1868-1869.

1 volume in partial record center carton
Call no.: CY1.09/2159X

Scope and Content: Middlesex County was incorporated on May 10, 1643 (Mass Recs 2:38), continuing under successive governments of Massachusetts, most recently the Commonwealth (1780), as outlined in MGLA c 34.  Administrative powers and duties previously exercised at various times under the laws of the Commonwealth by the county courts of general sessions of the peace, county courts of common pleas, and circuit courts of common pleas, were assigned to commissioners in Middlesex and other counties, per St 1827, c 77 (1828).  The government of Middlesex County in this and other respects was abolished as of the effective date of St 1997, c 48 (approved July 11, 1997)
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
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Meeting minutes [Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners]

Part of: Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners

Meeting minutes, 1910-1997.

51 record center cartons
Call no.: CY1.09/2153X

Scope and Content: Middlesex County was incorporated on May 10, 1643 (Mass Recs 2:38), continuing under successive governments of Massachusetts, most recently the Commonwealth (1780), as outlined in MGLA c 34.  Administrative powers and duties previously exercised at various times under the laws of the Commonwealth by the county courts of general sessions of the peace, county courts of common pleas, and circuit courts of common pleas, were assigned to commissioners in Middlesex and other counties, per St 1827, c 77 (1828).  The government of Middlesex County in this and other respects was abolished as of the effective date of St 1997, c 48 (approved July 11, 1997)
Arrangement: In four subseries: (1) Minutes, 1910-1997  (2) Agendas, 1963-1997  (3) Agenda items, 1983-1997  (4) Sanatorium/hospital minutes, 1936-1996; Arranged within each subseries chronologically
Notes: Subseries (1), 1910-1921 and subseries (4), 1936-1940, 1955-1957 extracted from: Orders ((M-Ar)2154X) Also known as: Proceedings
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Municipal files [Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners]

Part of: Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners

Municipal files, 1980-1996 (Bulk: 1985-1988).

2 record center cartons
Call no.: CY1.09/2167X

Scope and Content: Middlesex County was incorporated on May 10, 1643 (Mass Recs 2:38), continuing under successive governments of Massachusetts, most recently the Commonwealth (1780), as outlined in MGLA c 34.  Administrative powers and duties previously exercised at various times under the laws of the Commonwealth by the county courts of general sessions of the peace, county courts of common pleas, and circuit courts of common pleas, were assigned to commissioners in Middlesex and other counties, per St 1827, c 77 (1828).  The government of Middlesex County in this and other respects was abolished as of the effective date of St 1997, c 48 (approved July 11, 1997)
Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by municipality
Notes: Box 1: A-Lincoln Box 2: Lincoln-Z
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Orders [Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners]

Part of: Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners

Orders, 1909-1997.

37 record center cartons
Call no.: CY1.09/2154X

Scope and Content: Middlesex County was incorporated on May 10, 1643 (Mass Recs 2:38), continuing under successive governments of Massachusetts, most recently the Commonwealth (1780), as outlined in MGLA c 34.  Administrative powers and duties previously exercised at various times under the laws of the Commonwealth by the county courts of general sessions of the peace, county courts of common pleas, and circuit courts of common pleas, were assigned to commissioners in Middlesex and other counties, per St 1827, c 77 (1828).  The government of Middlesex County in this and other respects was abolished as of the effective date of St 1997, c 48 (approved July 11, 1997)
Notes: Pre-1909 orders currently interfiled with: Dockets ((M-Ar)2151X); 1909-1947 orders were also so interfiled before processing, including meeting minutes (now (M-Ar)2153X) and annual reports (now (M-Ar)2156X)
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Photographic plates for annual reports [Middlesex County (Mass.). County Commissioners]

Part of: Middlesex County (Mass.) – County Commissioners

Photographic plates for annual reports, 1915-1946.

5 boxes
Call no.: CY1.09/2141X

Scope and Content: Middlesex County was incorporated on May 10, 1643 (Mass Recs 2:38), continuing under successive governments of Massachusetts, most recently the Commonwealth (1780), as outlined in MGLA c 34. Administrative powers and duties previously exercised at various times under the laws of the Commonwealth by county treasurers and clerks of  the county courts of general sessions of the peace, county courts of common pleas, and circuit courts of common pleas, were assigned to commissioners in Middlesex and other counties upon their establishment per St 1827, c 77 (1828). The government of Middlesex County was abolished as of the effective date of St 1997, c 48 (approved July 11, 1997)
Notes: Box 1: Charts. Box 2: Buildings. Box 3: Persons. Boxes 4-5: Assorted
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