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Historical Commission: Tax certification program files

Part of: Massachusetts Historical Commission

Tax certification program files, 1976-2002.

98 record center cartons and 1 document box
Call no.: SC6/351

Scope and Content: As part of the Massachusetts Historical Commission’s responsibility for identifying and protecting historic sites in Massachusetts, the commission’s state preservation officer acts as the go-between for individuals and developers seeking federal tax breaks under the Tax Reform Act of 1976 for rehabilitation work done to “certified historic structures” (366 CFR pt 67).  In addition the preservation officer makes recommendations about rehabilitation work to the National Park Service and the U.S. Department of the Interior, the federal agencies that oversee the program.  Tax certification files include applications for historic preservation certification (containing name and address of property owner, location of structure, photographs of the interior and exterior of the building before and after rehabilitation work is completed) and correspondence of the state preservation officer with all interested parties regarding the status of these applications.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by varying spans, thereunder alphabetically by municipality
Related Catalog Records:


Historical Records Advisory Board: Documentary Heritage Grant Program grant files

Part of: Massachusetts Historical Records Advisory Board

Documentary Heritage Grant Program grant files, 1998-2008.

5 record center cartons and 1 document box
Call no.: SC9/2511X

Scope and Content: The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), as part of its mission to promote planning initiatives addressing statewide historical records needs and issues, funded the Massachusetts Historical Records Advisory Board (MHRAB)’s 1997-1999 project to write a historical records strategic plan for the Commonwealth. The resulting plan (A community treasure: strategic plan for Massachusetts historical records) served as a road map for the 1999-2001 Massachusetts Documentary Heritage Grant Program, a competitive regrant program funding local projects to promote the documentation, preservation, and use of historical records in Massachusetts. –To fund the program, the MHRAB received –Grants funded reflected MHRAB strategic planning priorities of the identification of, preservation of, access to, awareness of, and education regarding historical documentation in Massachusetts, and of community documentation and collaborations among municipal clerks, public libraries, museums, educators, and historical societies. Projects included: hiring of consultants to survey records and develop local documentation plans, statewide documentation of ethnic and immigrant groups, statewide teacher archival education, community church/religious societies documentation, community economic/manufacturing documentation, agriculture documentation, and appraising municipal video/audio/media collections.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by grant cycle, thereunder by project/locality
Notes: Containers by cycle/grant: Box 1: (1) 1-34. Box 2: (1) 35-39 (2) 1-12 (3) 1-7. Box 3: (3) 8-20 (4) 1-9. Box 4: (4) 10-32. Box 5: (5) 501-525. Box 6: (5) 526-540
Related Catalog Records:


Historical Records Advisory Board: Meeting files

Part of: Massachusetts Historical Records Advisory Board

Meeting files, 1972-1995.

2 document boxes
Call no.: SC9/171

Scope and Content: The Archives Advisory Commission was established in 1973 to advise the state secretary on archival matters and, and as the Massachusetts Historical Records Advisory Board from 1976, to serve as the state-level body for proposals submitted to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) grant program. Minutes of quarterly meetings document the activities and decisions of the commissions.
Arrangement: 1985-1995: Arranged chronologically in reverse order
Related Catalog Records:


Histories and research materials [Massachusetts Division of Insurance]

Part of: Division of Insurance

Histories and research materials, 1932-1961.

1 document box
Call no.: CA4.01/604X

Scope and Content: The Division of Insurance of the Department of Banking and Insurance is responsible for the regulation of insurance business in Massachusetts.  This series was created and compiled to assist the division in developing historical information for speeches and reports and in answering correspondence.  It is composed of clippings, research notes, correspondence, speeches, and unpublished papers pertaining to the history and development of the division and biographical materials relating to commissioners and other staff members.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by year
Related Catalog Records:


Histories of alien residents of almshouses and other institutions [Massachusetts Board of State Charities]

Part of: Massachusetts Board of State Charities

Histories of alien residents of almshouses and other institutions, 1852-1870.

13 volumes
Call no.: HS3/539X

Scope and Content: St 1851, c 342 provided for a board of commissioners in relation to alien passengers and state paupers (as potentially related classes of persons), commonly called the Board of Alien Commissioners and consisting of a Council member appointed by the governor, the state auditor, and the superintendent of alien passengers for Boston. The first duty the act assigned was for the Board to appoint persons to annually visit almshouses and other institutions holding those alleged to be state paupers to determine whether laws pertaining to the status,  support, local settlement, and work requirements of such paupers were being upheld. The commissioners also worked towards the establishment of state almshouses (St 1852, c 275, ss 1-10). St 1863, c 240 transferred these functions to the succeeding Board of State Charities.
Arrangement: In six subseries
Related Catalog Records:


Histories of foundlings [Massachusetts Department of Outdoor Poor]

Part of: Massachusetts Department of Outdoor Poor

Histories of foundlings, 1880-1885.

2 volumes
Call no.: HS19.02/542X

Scope and Content: Under the Massachusetts State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity (1879-1886) and the State Board of Lunacy and Charity (1886-1898), the Dept. of Outdoor Poor was responsible for adults in need of state medical or general assistance not committed to state institutions under the board’s jurisdiction and for juvenile wards of the state under three years of age.  Visitors for the department’s unit for the sick state poor were charged with determining the status of and care for foundlings or other deserted children, as had been done earlier done under the Board of State Charities (see: its Massachusetts Infant Asylum case histories, 1871-1879 (M-Ar) 541X)). Attempts were made to identify the parents of the deserted children, in order to procure sources of child support.
Arrangement: Arranged by case no./chronologically
Related Catalog Records:


Hospital inspection register [Massachusetts State Board of Insanity]

Part of: Massachusetts State Board of Insanity

Hospital inspection register, 1898-1903.

1 volume
Call no.: HS7/995X

Scope and Content: Programs and institutions for the mentally ill and retarded of Massachusetts were among the responsibilities successively of the Board of State Charities (St 1863, c 240), State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity (St 1879, c 291), and State Board of Lunacy and Charity (St 1886, c 101).  They were then the sole responsibility successively of the State Board of Insanity (St 1898, c 433), Massachusetts Commission on Mental Diseases (St 1916, c 285), Dept. of Mental Diseases (St 1919, c 350, ss 79-81), and Dept. of Mental Health (St 1938, c 486)
Arrangement: Arranged by institution, thereunder chronologically by date of inspection
Related Catalog Records:


Hospital policy memorandums [Boston State Hospital]

Part of: Boston State Hospital

Hospital policy memorandums, 1949-1972 (Bulk: 1949).

1 file folder (partial document box)
Call no.: HS7.10/1124X

Scope and Content: The Boston Lunatic Hospital was established as a municipal agency in 1839; it was renamed Boston Insane Hospital in 1897.  It was made a Massachusetts state agency under the name Boston State Hospital in 1908 and closed in 1981.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Related Catalog Records:


Hospital registers [Massachusetts State Primary School (Monson, Mass.).]

Part of: Massachusetts State Primary School (Monson, Mass.).

Hospital registers, 1854-1895.

4 volumes; Copies: Partial microfilm reel
Call no.: HS3.05/110X

Scope and Content: The State Almshouse at Monson provided residence for paupers without settlement in the Commonwealth from 1854 to 1872.  The State Primary School, opened at the almshouse in 1866 and continuing after its closing until 1895, provided lodging, instruction, and employment for dependent and neglected children under age sixteen without settlement in the Commonwealth and some juvenile offenders.  Sick inmates at the institutions were treated at their hospital.  Series was created to administer and record admission and discharge from the facility.
Arrangement: Arranged by case no./chronologically by admission date
Notes: Vols. 1-2 formerly separate series as almshouse hospital register
Related Catalog Records:


Human Resources Forum files [Massachusetts Governor’s Office of Human Resources]

Part of: Governor's Office of Human Resources

Human Resources Forum files, 1983-1989.

1 document box
Call no.: GO16/1370X

Scope and Content: The Governor’s Office of Human Resources was established by Gov. Michael Dukakis in 1983 to act as a liaison between the governor and human service agencies in Massachusetts in the public and private sectors.  A Human  Resources Forum comprised of representatives of human services organizations in Massachusetts and members of the governor’s administration was established by this office in 1983 to provide a mechanism for obtaining feedback from human services organizations and workers and to foster legislative initiatives.  Series was created to organize meetings of the forum.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
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