Part of: Joint Committee on Human Services and Elderly Affairs
Hearing files, 1989-1996.
15 record center cartons
Call no.: CO69/1880
Scope and Content: The Joint Committee on Human Services and Elderly Affairs, a standing committee of the General Court, considers all matters concerning public welfare, children, the elderly, the handicapped, mental health, drug rehabilitation and control, veterans benefits, alcoholism, the correction system (including administration, prisoners’ rights, furloughs, work release, probation, rehabilitation, and parole), other social service programs, and other matters referred. It drafts, reviews, and holds hearings on proposed legislation. Hearing files are compiled to document hearings, including preparation, hearing proper, and subsequent actions.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by year
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Joint Committee on Insurance
Hearing files, 1984-1995 (Bulk: 1984-1994).
6 record center cartons
Call no.: CO77/2059
Scope and Content: The Joint Committee on Insurance, a standing committee of the General Court, considers all matters pertaining to insurance, insurance companies, and other matters referred. It drafts, reviews, and holds hearings on proposed legislation. Hearing files are compiled to document hearings, including preparation, hearing proper, and subsequent actions.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Notes: Files for 1991 and 1995 fragmentary
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Hearing files, 1987-1991.
2 record center cartons
Call no.: CO74/2035
Scope and Content: The Joint Committee on Public Safety, a standing committee of the General Court, considers all matters concerning the safety of the public, including civil defense, firearms and gun control, fire laws, motor vehicle laws, the Soldiers’ Home, and other matters referred. It drafts, reviews, and holds hearings on proposed legislation. Hearing files are compiled to document hearings, including preparation, hearing proper, and subsequent actions.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by year, thereunder by hearing date or subject
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Joint Committee on Taxation
Hearing files, 1970-1975.
2 record center cartons
Call no.: CO62/1606
Scope and Content: The Joint Committee on Taxation, a standing committee of the Massachusetts General Court, considers all matters concerning raising of revenue for the Commonwealth by means of taxation, certain matters relating to the local property tax, and other matters referred. Hearing files are compiled to document hearings, including preparation, hearing proper, and subsequent actions.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by date of hearing
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Joint Committee on the Judiciary
Hearing files, 1981-1991.
3 record center cartons
Call no.: CO39/1768
Scope and Content: The Joint Committee on the Judiciary, a standing committee of the General Court, considers all matters concerning the judiciary, including salaries and recall of judges, and juries and jury duty (but excluding retirement of judges and salaries and tenure of court clerks and court officers), and other matters referred. It drafts, reviews, and holds hearings on proposed legislation. Hearing files are compiled to document hearings, including preparation, hearing proper, and subsequent actions.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by hearing date
Notes: Series incomplete. Box 1: 1981-1982. Box 2: 1982, 1985 (fragmentary), 1987. Box 3: 1987, 1991
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Special Commission Concerning State and County Buildings
Hearing files, 1979-1980.
4 record center cartons
Call no.: IG1.01/270X
Scope and Content: The Special Commission Concerning State and County Buildings (commonly known as the Ward Commission) was established by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1978. Chaired by John William Ward, it investigated corrupt practices concerning contracts relating to construction of state and county buildings. Hearing files document its proceedings and related activities.
Arrangement: In two subseries: (1) Hearing files (2) Legal records and court filings. Arranged chronologically by hearing date
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Board of Registration in Medicine
Hearing files to investigate eclectic medical schools, 1916-1926.
2 document boxes
Call no.: CA2.01/529X
Scope and Content: The Board of Registration of Medicine, established in 1894, was placed within the Division of Registration (Dept. of Civil Service and Registration) in 1919. It was replaced by the Board of Registration and Discipline in Medicine as of 1976, renamed the Board of Registration in Medicine again in 1979.
Arrangement: Arranged during processing
Restrictions: Evaluative information restricted by statutory provision; MGLA c 4, s 7, cl 26(c) and c 66A. For conditions of access, consult repository
Related Catalog Records:
: Evaluative information restricted by statutory provision; MGLA c 4, s 7, cl 26(c) and c 66A. For conditions of access, consult repository
Part of: Massachusetts Inspection Department
Heating and ventilation plans for schoolhouses, 1892-1903.
54 technical drawings
Call no.: PS9/2542X
Scope and Content: St 1877, c 214 provided that the chief of the State Detective Force appoint inspectors of factories and public buildings. The State Detective Force was replaced by the District Police by St 1879, c 305, which provided that the governor appoint inspectors of factories and public buildings from among their number. The Inspection Dept. of the District Police was established per St 1888, c 113.
Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by inspector, thereunder chronologically
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Historical Commission
Compliance files of properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places, 1857-1993 (Bulk: 1982-1993).
1 record center carton, 1 document box, 17 volumes
Call no.: SC6/218
Scope and Content: As part of its responsibility for preserving historic structures and sites in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Historical Commission assembles documentation of sites and structures included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places and/or the State Register of Historic Places prior to their renovation, alteration, or destruction, as a means of recording their histories and thus complying with the Federal Historic Preservation Act (1966). Compliance files include Historic American Engineering Record reports, Historic American Buildings Survey reports, and other reports submitted by architects and contractors.
Notes: Collated: 1982-1993
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Historical Commission
Posters, 1988-1998.
1 folder
Call no.: SC6/2171
Scope and Content: As part of its responsibility for preserving historic structures and sites in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Historical Commission issues posters with photographs of such structures and sites to publicize its mission. Series currently includes four items commemorating the commission’s twenty-fifth anniversary, 1988, and four (in duplicate) commemorating its thirty-fifth anniversary, 1998.
Related Catalog Records: