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Environmental Affairs (207 collections) CHC

Chief engineer’s study photographs of larger masonry dams of the world built or under construction [Massachusetts Metropolitan Water Board]

Part of: Massachusetts Metropolitan Water Board

Chief engineer's study photographs of larger masonry dams of the world built or under construction, 1897-1899.

11 file folders in 1 document box
Call no.: EN4.08/2639X

Scope and Content: As part of its function to design, construct, maintain, and operate a Metropolitan Water Works system, and specifically the Wachusett Dam, as authorized by St 1895, c 488, the Metropolitan Water Board (1895-1901), between 1898-1900, through its Chief Engineer, Frederic P. Stearns (1851-1919), and its engineering force, undertook a study of all masonry dams constructed and under construction throughout the world in preparation for the design of the Wachusett Dam, Clinton, for the Wachusett Reservoir. Chief Engineer Stearns collected photographic prints of many of these dams. Series includes original mounted photographic prints (26, plus one halftone) of selected masonry dams worldwide, and two internal compilations describing these dams, and other masonry and earth dams not photographically pictured in this collection. Series also includes engineering profiles of dams around the world.
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Chronological correspondence [Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Office]

Part of: Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Office

Chronological correspondence, 1975-1994 (Bulk: 1977-1994).

8 record center cartons
Call no.: EN7/1006

Scope and Content: Since 1978, and with direct legislative authorization since 1983, the Coastal Zone Management Office within the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs has administered the interagency Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program, which was established under the auspices of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, PL 92-583.  The office reviews all activities directly affecting the coastal zone that require federal permits, to ensure that these are in compliance with approved state environmental management mandates such as provided in the Coastal Wetlands Restriction Act (St 1965, c 768).  It also reviews coastal-zone related projects requiring state or local permits; works with other state agencies to improve regulatory mechanisms to protect coastal resources and to set coastal management policies and priorities; provides technical assistance and facilitates financial assistance to coastal communities; and supports coastal-related scientific studies, mapping products, and citizen participation.  Series consists of outgoing correspondence; memorandums; and weekly, quarterly, and other reports providing chronological access to documentation of policy determination and other agency activities.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Related Catalog Records:


Commissioner’s files on Charles River Basin improvement [Massachusetts Metropolitan District Commission]

Part of: Massachusetts Metropolitan District Commission

Commissioner's files on Charles River Basin improvement, 1929-1934.

1 file folder
Call no.: EN4/1766X

Scope and Content: From 1919 the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) has been responsible for acquiring and maintaining open spaces in the Metropolitan Parks District (Boston and surrounding communities) for exercise and recreation.  Series was created by the MDC commissioner to fulfill this function as it related to improvements to park lands in the Charles River Basin, now commonly known as the Esplanade.
Related Catalog Records:


Commissioner’s subject files [Massachusetts Department of Food and Agriculture]

Part of: Department of Food and Agriculture

Commissioner's subject files, 1977-1990.

7 record center cartons
Call no.: EN2/1921

Scope and Content: In Massachusetts the State Board of Agriculture (1852) was successively replaced by the State Dept. of Agriculture (1918), the Dept. of Agriculture (1919), and the Dept. of Food and Agriculture (1975). The department is administered by a commissioner under the supervision and control of the Board of Agriculture.
Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically
Related Catalog Records:


Commissioner’s subject files on milk regulation [Massachusetts Department of Food and Agriculture]

Part of: Department of Food and Agriculture

Commissioner's subject files on milk regulation, 1958-1983 (Bulk: 1975-1983).

2 document boxes
Call no.: EN2/1922X

Scope and Content: In Massachusetts the State Board of Agriculture (1852) was successively replaced by the State Dept. of Agriculture (1918), the Dept. of Agriculture (1919), and the Dept. of Food and Agriculture (1975). The department is administered by a commissioner under the supervision and control of the Board of Agriculture. –In 1934 Massachusetts established the Milk Control Board within the Dept. of Agriculture; in 1941 the Division of Milk Control was established under the supervision and control of a reconstituted Milk Control Board, replaced by the Milk Control Commission in 1953. Both bodies were abolished in 1983. The Board and its successors were to designate and establish market zones for milk products; to supervise and regulate minimum prices, production, purchase, receipt, sale, payment, and distribution of milk; to require licensing of milk producers and distributors; and to control surplus milk products; also establish, issue, enforce and revise orders, thus establishing and detailing regulations for the milk industry. –The Milk Regulation Board was responsible for rules and regulations for inspection of dairy farms, grades of milk, and suitability of milk supplies from other states. Established per St 1932, c 305, it was comprised of the commissioners of the Dept. of Public Health and the Dept. of Agriculture as well as the Attorney General (who was removed per St 1967, c 230). St 1946, c 496 added the chairman of the Milk Control Board (Milk Control Commission as of St 1953, c 604) to the Milk Regulation Board, also making him chairman.  Per St 1974, c 806, s 8, the board was placed with the now-named Dept. of Food and Agriculture, within the newly-created Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. The board was disbanded by St 1977, c 940, which required that milk standards and labeling comply with federal law, and which gave responsibility for rules and regulations to the commissioner of the Dept. of Public Health.
Notes: Scheduled as: Division of Milk Control administrative files. Formerly classed under (M-Ar)EN2.04:  Massachusetts. Division of Milk Control
Related Catalog Records:


Committee meeting files [Massachusetts Hazardous Waste Facility Site Safety Council]

Part of: Massachusetts Hazardous Waste Facility Site Safety Council

Committee meeting files, 1981-1994.

6 record center cartons
Call no.: EN13/2076X

Scope and Content: The Hazardous Waste Facility Site Safety Council was an independent Massachusetts state agency responsible in conjunction with the Dept. of Environmental Management and the Dept. of Environmental Protection for overseeing siting of hazardous waste treatment facilities from 1980 to 1996.  Siting process as administered by the council included receiving and reviewing developer’s proposal and facilitating negotiations among developer and affected communities prior to the reaching of a siting agreement declared operative by the council.  Council work was delegated to various working committees or subcommittees; series was created to document their discussions and recommendations.
Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by committee
Notes: Includes audio cassettes. Subcommittee lists with personnel in box 1
Related Catalog Records:


Committee to Investigate the Purchase of Local Sewers report of hearings [Massachusetts Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board]

Part of: Massachusetts Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board

Committee to Investigate the Purchase of Local Sewers report of hearings, 1904.

1 file folder (partial record center carton)
Call no.: EN4.07/2127X

Scope and Content: Massachusetts has administered water works and sewage disposal for the Boston metropolitan area successively through the Board of Metropolitan Sewerage Commissioners (Metropolitan Sewerage Commission) (1889-1901) and the Metropolitan Water Board (1895-1901); the Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board (1901-1919); and the Water and Sewerage Divisions of the Metropolitan District Commission (1919-1985).  Since 1985, the sewerage works functions have been assigned to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), and the water works functions have been shared by the MWRA (distribution) and the Metropolitan District Commission (to 2003) and the Dept.  of Conservation and Recreation (since 2003) (water supply reservoirs and their watershed management).
Notes: Transferred to Archives from Metropolitan District Commission
Related Catalog Records:


Computations and calculations for contract specifications [Massachusetts Division of Waterways and Public Lands]

Part of: Division of Waterways

Computations and calculations for contract specifications, 1912-1922.

1 record center carton
Call no.: EN3.02/656X

Scope and Content: As part of their function to protect, improve, and develop Boston Harbor, the Division of Waterways and Public Lands of the Department of Public Works and its predecessor agencies, the Directors of the Port of Boston (to 1916) and the Commission on Waterways and Public Lands (1916-1919), planned projects, entered into contracts, and supervised work of contractors.  These resulting project files contain detailed computations and studies, cost estimates, specificiations, blueprints, maps, plans, and sketches compiled by engineers for contracts supervised by the various agencies.
Notes: Photographs removed from Dry dock folder. For separate description see: Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners of Massachusetts. Photographs of marine construction ((M-Ar)662X).
Related Catalog Records:


Computations of boundary lines [Massachusetts Division of Waterways]

Part of: Division of Waterways

Computations of boundary lines, 1895-1940.

1 record center carton
Call no.: EN3.02/671X

Scope and Content: To establish accurate Massachusetts town boundaries, and eventually interstate boundaries as well, beginning in 1885 the Topographical Survey Commission, in conjunction with the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, sent out field teams to establish and describe triangulation stations and to set monuments designating boundary lines.  These computations of boundary lines are based on data recorded by such survey teams, for the commission, for the Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners, which took over the survey in 1901 and completed it in 1914, and beyond that date, for agencies succeeding the board in its responsibility for state surveying: the Commission on Waterways and Public Lands, in 1916; the Division of Waterways and Public Lands of the Department of Public Works, in 1919; the Department of Public Works as a whole, in 1927; and the department’s Division of Waterways, in 1938.
Arrangement: Arranged by topic
Related Catalog Records:


Computations of geographical positions: town corners [Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners of Massachusetts]

Part of: Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners of Massachusetts

Computations of geographical positions: town corners, 1899-1905.

2 record center cartons
Call no.: EN3.03/673X

Scope and Content: To establish accurate Massachusetts town boundaries, beginning in 1885 the Topographical Survey Commission (replaced in this function in 1901 by the  Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners) sent out field teams to establish and describe triangulation stations and to set monuments designating boundary lines.  These volumes of computations of geographical positions of town corners are based on field notebooks of the survey teams.  Computations were verified, adjusted, and prepared by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Arrangement: Arranged by county, thereunder by town
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