Case histories of alien passengers aided [Massachusetts State Board of Charity]
Case histories of alien passengers aided, 1909-1914.
Call no.: HS21/1641X
Scope and Content: Transfer of immigration authority from the states to the federal government occurred with the federal Acts of 1891, c 551. In Massachusetts, continuing state medical care of alien passengers was administered first by the State Board of Lunacy and Charity (1886-1898), and then by its successor, the State Board of Charity (from1898). A federal alien immigration act of Feb. 20, 1907 led to a July 1908 contract between the immigration office in the U.S. Treasury Dept. and the State Board of Charity, renewed July 1909, replacing a similar contract of Mar. 1894. It provided federal reimbursement for care at state hospitals or other suitable institutions until deportation, or until one year after entry into the United States–three years for those ordered deported whose need for public support predated their arrival. A contract of Aug. 1910 repealed previous terms, and indicated that the federal government would not pay alien hospital charges, except in cases where the government was paying for deportation with the consent of the alien concerned. Formal contracts with Massachusetts were discontinued as of Jan. 1, 1911. Hereafter Massachusetts, like other states, was to receive any payments at approved rates under federal immigration regulations.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by registration date
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