Abstracts of legislative action pertaining to water supply and sewerage disposal [Massachusetts Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board]
Abstracts of legislative action pertaining to water supply and sewerage disposal, 1797-1913.
Call no.: EN4.07/2137X
Scope and Content: Massachusetts has administered water works and sewage disposal for the Boston metropolitan area successively through the Board of Metropolitan Sewerage Commissioners (Metropolitan Sewerage Commission) (1889-1901) and the Metropolitan Water Board (1895-1901); the Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board (1901-1919); and the Water and Sewerage Divisions of the Metropolitan District Commission (1919-1985). Since 1985, the sewerage works functions have been assigned to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), and the water works functions have been shared by the MWRA (distribution) and the Metropolitan District Commission (to 2003) and the Dept. of Conservation and Recreation (since 2003) (water supply reservoirs and their watershed management).
Notes: Transferred to Archives from Metropolitan District Commission. Typed on each first recto page: Massachusetts State Board of Health, [X.H.] Goodnough; stamped below it:: George W. Coffin. Coffin (1897-1967) served the Metropolitan District Water Supply Commission (1926-1947) as an assistant civil engineer then as senior civil engineer from 1927-1941
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