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Office of the Secretary of State: House journal

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

House journal, 1722-2014 (Bulk: 1730-2014).

341 volumes and 3 volumes in 3 phase boxes
Call no.: SC1/532

Scope and Content: The House clerk maintains an account of actions taken by the House of Representatives of the Massachusetts General Court for each day of the legislative session.  Record of proceedings is called the journal (House rules, 10), which is submitted to the House Speaker for approval and printed daily.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically, biennially from 1995-1996
Notes: St 1939, c 508, s 3 (amending St 1844, c 153) places custody of House clerk’s files with the state secretary after the legislative year
Related Catalog Records:


Office of the Secretary of State: House legislative dockets

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

House legislative dockets, 1939-2002.

4 record center cartons, 2 document boxes, and 1 volume
Call no.: SC1/1138

Scope and Content: Any citizen or group of citizens in Massachusetts may petition the General Court for legislative action on any subject.  Such a petition is endorsed by a member of the legislature for presentation to the General Court, where through the legislative process it is unpassed or passed, subject to the governor’s approval or veto.  The House clerk is responsible for logging in all legislation filed in the House of Representatives.  Dockets are a log of legislation filed.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by legislative year (biennially from 1995- 1996), thereunder by docket no
Notes:  St 1939, c 508, s 3 (amending St 1844, c 153) places custody of clerk’s files with the state secretary after the legislative year. Contents: 1939-1940.  Box 1: 1947, 1953-1956.  Box 2: 1957-1960. Box 3: 1965-1975.  Box 4: 1976-1983.  Box 5: 1984-1992.  Box 6: 1993-2001/2002
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Office of the Secretary of State: House roll calls

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

House roll calls, 1935-2002.

71 volumes
Call no.: SC1/233

Scope and Content: The House clerk maintains an account of actions taken by the House of Representatives of the General Court for each day of the legislative session.  Roll calls are the record of voting on any legislative action taken upon a call for yeas and nays (House rules, 48-53).
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by legislative year, thereunder by roll call no
Notes: St 1939, c 508, s 3 (amending St 1844, c 153) places custody of clerk’s files with the state secretary after the legislative year. No regular sessions held 1940, 1942, 1944
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Office of the Secretary of State: House unpassed legislation

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

House unpassed legislation, 1775-2010.

1780-1866 (selected bill packets): 13 document boxes; Finding aids (series): 3 volumes; Finding aids (copies: series): 1 microfilm reel; Finding aids (copies: reading room): 2 microfilm reels
Call no.: SC1/230

Scope and Content: Any citizen or group of citizens in Massachusetts may petition the General Court for legislative action on any subject.  Such a petition is endorsed by a member of the legislature for presentation to the General Court, where through the legislative process it is unpassed or passed, subject to the governor’s approval or veto.  Bills that fail to pass in the House of Representatives are filed with the House clerk for one year. –Bill packets for proposed legislation containing petitions relating to slavery removed from original sequence for digitization and now stored separately.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by legislative year (biennially since 1995- 1996), thereunder by disposition
Restrictions: Some restrictions may apply
Notes: St 1939, c 508, s 3 (amending St 1844, c 153) places custody of clerk’s files with the state secretary after the legislative year
Related Catalog Records:


Restrictions: Some restrictions may apply

Office of the Secretary of State: Indian conference files

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Indian conference files, 1692-1780.

For current extent consult index database
Call no.: SC1/2030X

Scope and Content: During the colonial, provincial, and Revolutionary periods (1629-1780), the governor or deputy governor of Massachusetts or designates (or, during the Revolution, the Council) met with Indian tribal leaders, primarily in time of war or other conflict between Indians and colonial settlers.  Meetings took place in Boston, in the colonial or provincial Council chambers, elsewhere in New England or New York, or in Upper Canada.  Series consists of proceedings (as eventually preserved by the state secretary from 1780) of such conferences, often as reported to the legislature; reports of gubernatorial commissions appointed for dealing with the Indians; and texts of treaties, accompanied by discussions of treaty ratification or violations.  Records identified to date are from the provincial and Revolutionary periods (1692-1780) only.
Related Catalog Records:


Office of the Secretary of State: Journals of the committees on the Revised statutes

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Journals of the committees on the Revised statutes, 1835.

1 volume
Call no.: SC1/1146X

Scope and Content: Per Resolves 1832, c 30, the governor appointed commissioners to revise, collate, and arrange colonial, provincial, and other general statutes of the Commonwealth, collecting those relating to the same subject matter under appropriate titles, chapters, and sections.  Successive joint committees of the General Court (both known as Committee on the Revised Statutes) appointed per orders of Jan. 22, 1835 and Mar. 18, 1835 respectively, reviewed and amended the report and continuing work of the commissioners.  The resulting codification known as the Revised statutes was enacted on Nov. 4, 1835, and printed with federal and state constitutions per Resolves 1835, Ex Sess, c 107.  Series was created to record deliberations of both 1835 committees, including recommendations of the commissioners, proposed committee amendments, and committee votes.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Notes: In keeping with traditions established in the colonial period, the state secretary is custodian of foundation records of the Commonwealth, including this series
Related Catalog Records:


Office of the Secretary of State: Justice of the peace and notary commissions

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Justice of the peace and notary commissions, 1851-1909.

22 volumes
Call no.: SC1/2205X

Scope and Content: The state secretary (since 1961 through a unit currently called the Commissions Section) attests to all commissions of office signed by the governor, administering the oath of office to and/or recording the name of these and other public appointees.  Justices of the peace and notaries public receive their commissions through the state secretary’s office. Earlier volumes in this series are divided by county, arranged within alphabetically by last name of appointee and then by date of appointment. Listings also give residence, office (justice of the peace or notary, and a few others, e.g., coroner), date oath administered, as well as notations indicating renewal of commission, death of appointee, etc. St 1863, c 157 made justice of the peace appointments valid for all counties, so volumes from 1860 are arranged strictly alphabetically. From ca. 1880, justice of the peace (v. 17-19, 1880-1909) and notary (v. 20-22, 1891-1909) commissions are recorded in separate volumes. –Vol. 17-22 formerly part of: Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. Register of civil officers classified, 1855-1948 ((M-Ar)185X) –For earlier and later records and a listing of related series see: Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. Records of commissions, proclamations, pardons, and other official documents, 1713-1945 (bulk 1747-1936) ((M-Ar)161X)
Related Catalog Records:


Office of the Secretary of State: Ledgers of fees received

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Ledgers of fees received, 1812-1852.

4 volumes in 1 box
Call no.: SC1/122X

Scope and Content: Ledgers were kept to record fees received by the secretary in carrying out these tasks. Documents typically provided and charged for include certified copies of commissions of justices of the peace and probate, notaries, and coroners. Copies of resolves and acts provided consist primarily of incorporation acts provided to named companies, and those for name changes. Passports were provided to named individuals, with destinations sometimes recorded. Later volumes consist largely of certificates provided to banks, presumably for required reporting. Volumes are dated 1812-1814, 1814-1821, 1821-1833, and 1839-1852. The 1839-1852 volume also includes a record of expenses paid out by the secretary’s office for related materials, such as blank certificates.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Notes: Ledgers for 1834-1838 lacking
Related Catalog Records:


Office of the Secretary of State: Legal counsel’s administrative files

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Legal counsel's administrative files, 1975-1987 (Bulk: 1979-1981).

3 record center cartons and 2 document boxes
Call no.: SC1/120

Scope and Content: As record keeper for the Commonwealth, the state secretary has responsibility for administration of elections, maintenance of public records, filing and distribution of regulations and public documents, corporate registration, lobbying agent registration, recording of appointments and commissions, storage of historical data, preservation of historic sites, administration and enforcement of the Massachusetts Uniform Securities Act, information and referral on all aspects of state government, and until 1990, administration of the state decennial census.  Chief legal counsel and staff advise the state secretary on legal aspects of all responsibilities of the secretary’s office and propose/testify for legislation favorable to its goals.  Series is created to inform the secretary and staff of relevant court decisions, opinions, and issues.
Related Catalog Records:


Office of the Secretary of State: Legal counsel’s legislative review files

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Legal counsel's legislative review files, 1984.

1 document box
Call no.: SC1/1819

Scope and Content: As record keeper for the Commonwealth, the state secretary has responsibility for administration of elections, maintenance of public records, filing and distribution of regulations and public documents, corporate registration, lobbying agent registration, recording of appointments and commissions, storage of historical data, preservation of historic sites, administration and enforcement of the Massachusetts Uniform Securities Act, information and referral on all aspects of state government, and until 1990, administration of the state decennial census.  Chief legal counsel and staff advise the state secretary on legal aspects of all responsibilities of the secretary’s office and propose/testify for legislation favorable to its goals.  Series is created to monitor status of such proposed legislation.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by year, thereunder by bill no
Notes: Fragmentary series
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