Part of: Massachusetts Council
Minutes, 1776-1986.
17 record center cartons and 4 document boxes
Call no.: GC3/329
Scope and Content: By its constitutional and statutory authority to provide advice and consent to the governor, the Council approves, among others, the appointments of judicial and quasi-judicial officers, the adjournment or prorogation of the General Court, the granting of pardons, and warrants authorizing expenditures from the Treasury. Minutes of Council meetings record all matters discussed and acted on by the Council.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Council
Petitions and reports on formation of companies, 1812-1814.
Partial record center cartons
Call no.: GC3/1040X
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically, thereunder alphabetically by municipality
Notes: Formerly part of Miscellaneous collection; box 88
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Council
Petitions for appointment to the military, 1814.
2 document boxes
Call no.: GC3/211X
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically thereunder alphabetically by county
Notes: Formerly part of: Miscellaneous collection; box 88
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Council
Registers listing Treasury warrants, 1837-1934.
4 volumes in 1 document box and 28 volumes
Call no.: GC3/776
Scope and Content: By its constitutional authority to provide advice and consent to the governor, the Council approves warrants authorizing expenditures from the Treasury (Const Pt 2, C 2, S 1, Art 11). Bound registers list warrants authorized by the governor and council in a given year.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by year
Notes: Registers for 1847 to 1893 missing
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Council
Special reports and hearing transcripts, 1913-1973.
1 record center carton and 3 document boxes
Call no.: GC3/774
Scope and Content: By its constitutional and statutory authority to provide advice and consent to the governor, the Council approves, among others, the appointments of judicial and quasi-judicial officers, the adjournment or prorogration of the General Court, the granting of pardons, and warrants authorizing expenditures from the Treasury. Reports and transcripts of hearing testimony relate to matters brought before the Council for its consideration, including the appointment, reappointment, or removal of persons in executive and judicial positions, examinations of spending deficits, and inquiries into the management of state programs and agencies. These files supplement: Minutes ((M-Ar)329) and: Executive records ((M-Ar)327) in providing more detailed information on certain matters brought before the Council.
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Council
Standardization of Salaries Committee reports, 1916-1917.
1 document box
Call no.: GC3/1392X
Scope and Content: Pursuant to orders of the General Court (Mar. 16-17, 1916), the governor appointed three members of the Council to serve as a special committee to investigate and report on a plan to standardize salaries and other compensation for state and county officials and employees. This series contains two typescripts, the committee’s report, submitted December 1917, printed as 1918 H 1175, and enacted as St 1918, c 228 (An act to provide for the classification of certain positions in the Commonwealth and to regulate promotion therein), and various chapters of the acts of 1919; also a report by the Supervisor of Administration compiled at the committee’s request.
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Council
Transcripts of letters concerning the Governor's Council, 1774-1776.
1 volume
Call no.: GC3/55X
Scope and Content: In Aug. 1774 the Council elected under the provincial charter by the General Court to serve both as its upper house and as executive body under the governor was displaced by councillors appointed by royal writ of mandamus to serve under Gov. Thomas Gage, colloquially known therefore as the Mandamus Council. These transcripts include minutes of royal Council meetings (to Oct. 1775) and correspondence involving the Council, British officials, and Gage, from the arrangement of his appointment as governor until after the British evacuation of Boston in Mar. 1776.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Notes: Copied from the British State Paper Office by Robert lemon in 1852 pursuant to instructions by state secretary Amasa Walker. Cover title: Letters & doings of the Council &c. between April 9, 1774 & April 21, 1776
Related Catalog Records:
Part of: Massachusetts Council
Treasury warrants, 1764-1824.
21 document boxes
Call no.: GC3/772X
Scope and Content: By its constitutional authority to provide advice and consent to the governor, the Council approves warrants authorizing expenditures from the Treasury (Const Pt 2, C 2, S 1, Art 11). Treasury warrants, 1776-1824, are original warrants signed by governor, councillors, and the treasurer, and include the name of person or office receiving funds, purpose of payment, and date of issue.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Notes: Warrants for 1768-1771, 1773, 1775-1778, 1799-1801, 1807-1809, 1813-1814, 1819-1820 lacking
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