
Massachusetts Archives


Office of the Secretary of State: Notices from Republican and Democratic caucuses

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Notices from Republican and Democratic caucuses, 1895-1909.

1 document box
Call no.: SC1/368X

Scope and Content: The state secretary holds constitutional and statutory responsibilities for elections.  Certain provisions of election law relating to the use of official ballots by local party caucuses were to become applicable upon acceptance by a majority vote of the caucus, held on written request of fifty voters of that party (St 1894, c 504, s 36; St 1895, c 507, s 24; St 1898, c 548, s 100; St 1907, c 560 s 113).  The 1894, 1895, and 1898 acts were to apply in any case to the city of Boston (hence the name “Boston caucus law”), and the 1895 (s 25), 1898 (s 101), and 1907 (s 113) acts provided that notice of such vote be filed with city or town clerk, state party chair, and the state secretary.  This series includes notifications to the state secretary.
Notes: Formerly part of: Miscellaneous collection, box 93A
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