
Massachusetts Archives


Office of the Secretary of State: Letterbooks of the secretary [Massachusetts ]

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Letterbooks of the secretary, 1701-1872 (Bulk: 1701-1861).

16 volumes
Call no.: SC1/117X

Scope and Content: Until 1861, the royal secretary (from 1691), the secretary of the colony (from 1775), or the state secretary (from 1780), served not only as the recordkeeper of Massachusetts government, but acted as the governor’s personal secretary, and, to 1780, as clerk of the Council and the legislature. Series was created to administer correspondence for the governor, lieutenant governor, and the secretary himself, as well as the Council (v. 5-7) and the General Court’s House of Representatives (v. 3-4).
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically
Notes: Volume list: (1) 1701-1763  (2) 1755-1762 (2A–formerly 2 3/4) 1763-1773  (3) 1764-1774  (4) 1765-1773  (5) 1775-1777  (6) 1775- 1777  (7) 1776-1780  (8) 1780-1788  (9) 1780-1808  (10) 1785-1794 (11) 1790-1820  (12) 1790-1829  (13) 1825-1833  (14) 1825-1833 (15) 1833-1872
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