
Massachusetts Archives


Office of the Secretary of State: Justice of the peace and notary commissions

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Justice of the peace and notary commissions, 1851-1909.

22 volumes
Call no.: SC1/2205X

Scope and Content: The state secretary (since 1961 through a unit currently called the Commissions Section) attests to all commissions of office signed by the governor, administering the oath of office to and/or recording the name of these and other public appointees.  Justices of the peace and notaries public receive their commissions through the state secretary’s office. Earlier volumes in this series are divided by county, arranged within alphabetically by last name of appointee and then by date of appointment. Listings also give residence, office (justice of the peace or notary, and a few others, e.g., coroner), date oath administered, as well as notations indicating renewal of commission, death of appointee, etc. St 1863, c 157 made justice of the peace appointments valid for all counties, so volumes from 1860 are arranged strictly alphabetically. From ca. 1880, justice of the peace (v. 17-19, 1880-1909) and notary (v. 20-22, 1891-1909) commissions are recorded in separate volumes. –Vol. 17-22 formerly part of: Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. Register of civil officers classified, 1855-1948 ((M-Ar)185X) –For earlier and later records and a listing of related series see: Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. Records of commissions, proclamations, pardons, and other official documents, 1713-1945 (bulk 1747-1936) ((M-Ar)161X)
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