Office of the Secretary of State: House unpassed legislation
House unpassed legislation, 1775-2010.
Call no.: SC1/230
Scope and Content: Any citizen or group of citizens in Massachusetts may petition the General Court for legislative action on any subject. Such a petition is endorsed by a member of the legislature for presentation to the General Court, where through the legislative process it is unpassed or passed, subject to the governor’s approval or veto. Bills that fail to pass in the House of Representatives are filed with the House clerk for one year. –Bill packets for proposed legislation containing petitions relating to slavery removed from original sequence for digitization and now stored separately.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by legislative year (biennially since 1995- 1996), thereunder by disposition
Restrictions: Some restrictions may apply
Notes: St 1939, c 508, s 3 (amending St 1844, c 153) places custody of clerk’s files with the state secretary after the legislative year
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