
Massachusetts Archives


Office of the Secretary of State: Engrossed resolutions

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Engrossed resolutions, 1918-2005.

1 folder
Call no.: SC1/2145

Scope and Content: Resolutions of the General Court deal with matters of a temporary nature, such as congratulations or memorials to Congress, and may be passed jointly or by a single chamber.  Copies engrossed on parchment may be made for presentation to parties mentioned in the resolutions or for other ceremonial or archival purposes. Such copies may be signed by the House speaker, House clerk, Senate president, Senate clerk, sponsoring legislator, and/or state secretary.  Original papers are found in: House unpassed legislation ((M-Ar)230) or: Senate unpassed legislation; see also: Resolutions ratifying amendments to the U.S. Constitution ((M-Ar)37) –Series currently includes resolutions: –(1) In recognition of the honor conferred by the Republic of France upon certain soldiers of Massachusetts; joint, 1918 –(2) On the observance of the bicentennial of the State House; House, 1998. –(3) On the observance of Performance Recognition Day (state and local employees); Senate, 2001. –(4) Supporting private property rights in Massachusetts; House, 2005.
Notes: The state secretary is custodian of this and other foundation records of the Commonwealth
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