Office of the Secretary of State: Enacted General statutes
Enacted General statutes, 1859.
Call no.: SC1/1143X
Scope and Content: Per Resolves 1855, c 9, the governor appointed commissioners to consolidate and arrange the general statutes of the Commonwealth, collecting those relating to the same subject matter under appropriate titles and chapters, on the plan of the Revised statutes then in force. The report of the commissioners was reviewed and amended by a joint special committee of the General Court appointed in 1859. The resulting codification known as the General statutes was enacted on Dec. 28, 1859, and printed with federal and state constitutions per Resolves 1859, Ex Sess, c 140. Series is signed enacted copy consisting of bound ms. vellum sheets.
Arrangement: Arranged by chapter no
Notes: In keeping with traditions established in the colonial period, the state secretary is custodian of foundation records of the Commonwealth, including this series
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