
Massachusetts Archives


Office of the Secretary of State: Contracts and copyrights relating to the state map

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Contracts and copyrights relating to the state map, 1841-1881.

8 file folders (partial document box)
Call no.: SC1/1021X

Scope and Content: The governor and council commissioned a survey of Massachusetts in 1830 in order to prepare an accurate map of the state (Resolves 1829, c 58). The survey had trigonometrical, astronomical, and geological components. Simeon Borden was superintendent in charge of the trigonometrical work, completed in 1838, and Robert Treat Paine performed the astronomical survey, 1831-1838. The geological survey, conducted by Edward Hitchcock from 1830-1832, was added by Resolves 1830, c 18, Resolves 1837, c 73, and Resolves 1841, c 14.  A preparatory step to the survey was legislation (Resolves 1829, c 50 (1830)) requiring towns to survey their territory and submit maps to the state secretary of the Commonwealth (see: Town plans–1830 (M-Ar)48X)) –The astronomical, trigonometrical, and geological information was ultimately incorporated into a state map; the work of projecting the map was done by Simeon Borden. Resolves 1841, c 43 authorized the contracting out of the engraving of plates, which was done by George G. Smith, and directed the closing of the survey office by Apr. 1842. Resolves 1843, c 70 authorized the governor and council to sell copyright of the state map for a period of ten years, repealed by Resolves 1844, c 69, which directed the secretary to seek a three-year contract for the publishing of the map, renewed for another three years by Resolves 1847, c 74. –Resolves 1845, c 9 authorized corrections to be made as needed to the printing plates. St 1846, c 241 directed the publication of county maps, with county officials directed to make corrections. Resolves 1852, c 39 authorized the state secretary to contract with Henry F. Walling for correcting and publication of county and state maps and Resolves 1857, c 82 allocated state contributions for corrections, and authorized the renewal of copyright. Further legislation renewing terms with Walling include Resolves 1859, c 50, providing for correction of the map as needed and safe-keeping of the plates, Resolves 1861 c 21, allowing him to take the plates for a printing by H. & C.T. Smith & Co. of New York, and St 1870, 192, authorizing copyright of corrections and modification of Walling’s contract accordingly.
Notes: Formerly part of: Miscellaneous collection, boxes 55, 84
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