Office of the Secretary of State: Commissions delivered
Commissions delivered, 1807-1872 (Bulk: 1832-1858).
Call no.: SC1/2206X
Scope and Content: The state secretary (since 1961 through a unit currently called the Commissions Section) attests to all commissions of office signed by the governor, administering the oath of office to and/or recording the name of these and other public appointees. Various volumes contain entries with name of office holder, office (justice of peace, justice of sessions), residence (by county), date commission delivered and to whom delivered (post office, family member, office holder, etc). Some early volumes are arranged by date appointed, others by county, thereunder alphabetically by name and then by date. –For a listing of related series see: Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State. Records of commissions, proclamations, pardons, and other official documents, 1713-1945 (bulk 1747-1936) ((M-Ar)161X)
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