Office of the Secretary of State: Certificates of silk bounty claims
Certificates of silk bounty claims, 1833-1850 (Bulk: 1842-1843).
Call no.: SC1/140X
Scope and Content: Following St 1828, c 101, s 2 (1829), which directed trustees of agricultural societies of Massachusetts to offer premiums for cultivation of the white mulberry tree and culture of silk, the General Court passed successive laws authorizing payment of bounties by the Commonwealth to silk producers: St 1835, c 130 (for two years), for reeled or thrown silk; St 1836, c 206 (for seven years), additionally for cocoons; St 1839, c 59, limiting bounty to cocoons only; St 1845, c 199 (for three years). Certificates on behalf of silk growers (subseries (1)) were filed with the state secretary by local justices of the peace (1835) or selectmen (1836). Submissions were periodically audited and listed in rolls (subseries (2)) and redeemed by Treasury warrant as drawn by governor and council. Certificates are present only for rolls 1-2, 1842 and rolls 1-2, 1843 (i.e., audit year)
Arrangement: In two subseries: (1) Certificates, 1842-1843 (2) Account rolls, 1837- 1843, 1845-1848 (warrants 1840-1843, 1846-1850); arranged within each subseries chronologically
Notes: Formerly part of: Miscellaneous collection, box 84
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