Office of the Secretary of State: Manifesto and proclamation of commissioners appointed by His Majesty
Manifesto and proclamation of commissioners appointed by His Majesty, 1778.
Call no.: SC1/28X
Scope and Content: The British Parliament authorized the appointment of commissioners to negotiate with the Continental Congress in order to deter an alliance between the American colonies and France. Although they did not obtain a hearing from Congress, three of them (the Earl of Carlisle, Sir Henry Clinton, William Eden) issued this document to Congress, the colonial assemblies (that of Massachusetts among them), and the general public on Oct. 3, 1778, promising pardon to those withdrawing from the rebellion by Nov. 11.
Restrictions: Access by permission of state archivist or curator of Massachusetts Archives only
Notes: In keeping with traditions established in the colonial period, the state secretary is custodian of foundation records of the Commonwealth, including this series. Printed broadside with seals of signatories. Evans 15832
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