Office of the Secretary of State: Exemplification of the judgment for vacating the charter of the Massachusetts Bay in New England
Exemplification of the judgment for vacating the charter of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1685.
Call no.: SC1/24X
Scope and Content: In keeping with traditions established in the colonial period, the secretary of the Commonwealth is the custodian of the foundation records of Massachusetts. This exemplification has been in the custody, successively, of the secretaries of the province and the Commonwealth. The document, issued in 1685, attests to actions taken earlier by the king respecting the charter of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England (see series (M-Ar)23X)
Restrictions: Access by permission of state archivist or curator of Massachusetts Archives only
Notes: On the reverse of the first leaf there are two inscriptions. The first, in a contemporary hand, is as follows: An Exemplification for our Souaigne Lord the King Against the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. The second, in a later hand, contains the legend: Exemplification of Proceedings Quo Warranto vacating the Colony Charter by James 2d
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