
Massachusetts Archives


Office of the Secretary of State: Commission to Sir Edmund Andros

Part of: Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State

Commission to Sir Edmund Andros, 1686.

3 leaves: parchment (1 folder)
Call no.: SC1/25X

Scope and Content: After the revocation of the 1629 Massachusetts Bay charter ((M-Ar)23X) by Charles II in 1684, his action was reaffirmed by the exemplification of judgment issued by his successor James II in 1685 ((M-Ar)24X).  In addition a commission from the king, arriving in Massachusetts in May 1686, designated Joseph Dudley as president of a provisional council governing Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Maine, Narragansett, and Plymouth. A succeeding commission (this series), dated 1686, named Sir Edmund Andros governor of this Dominion of New England; he arrived in December and soon extended control to Connecticut and Rhode Island as well.  In 1688, a new commission added New York and the Jerseys to the dominion.
Restrictions: Access by permission of state archivist or curator of Massachusetts Archives only
Notes: In keeping with traditions established in the colonial period, the secretary of the Commonwealth is the custodian of the foundation records of Massachusetts. Transferred to Archives from Massachusetts State Library, Mar. 13, 1972.  Presented by Henry L. Shattuck, 1930
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Restrictions: Access by permission of state archivist or curator of Massachusetts Archives only

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