
Massachusetts Archives


Register of alien immigrants aided [Massachusetts Department of Outdoor Poor]

Part of: Massachusetts Department of Outdoor Poor

Register of alien immigrants aided, 1888-1893.

2 volumes
Call no.: HS19.02/1628X

Scope and Content: The Massachusetts State Board of Lunacy and Charity (1886-1898) had responsibility to monitor immigration, including examining passengers, procuring passenger lists, collecting bonds or head money, returning passengers, and, through its Dept. of Outdoor Poor, caring for alien passengers requiring medical assistance who were not committed to state institutions. A Nov. 1882 contract between the state and the U.S. Treasury Dept. had provided federal reimbursement care of alien passengers requiring care within five years of landing at Massachusetts ports. Transfer of immigration authority from the states to the federal government occurred with the federal Acts of 1891, c 551. A Feb. 1892 contract with the board allowed federal reimbursement for state care of immigrants for their first year of residence and for state deportation of such immigrants.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by registration date
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