Regulation development files [Massachusetts Executive Office of Human Services]
Part of: Massachusetts Executive Office of Human Services
Regulation development files, 1986-1987.
2 document boxes
Call no.: HS1/1829
Call no.: HS1/1829
Scope and Content: Since 1971 the Executive Office of Human Services (Executive Office of Health and Human Services since 1992) has been responsible through its constitutent agencies for the delivery of a wide range of services to persons with financial, health, social, protective, rehabilitation, and correctional needs. Its role is one of management and fiscal oversight, coordination of interagency planning and program development, and policy analysis. The executive office’s legal counsel reviews and approves regulations promulgated (MGLA c 30A) by agencies under its aegis to implement applicable law. Series is created to support this process.
Arrangement: Arranged by agency
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