Administrative files [Massachusetts Governor’s Management Task Force ’79]
Administrative files, 1972-1982 (Bulk: 1979-1982).
Call no.: GO37/492X
Scope and Content: The Governor’s Management Task Force was formed by Gov. Edward King as a nonprofit corporation to analyze the operational effectiveness of selected agencies within the state government and to make recommendations for improving its services and operations. After the task force submitted its final report in 1980, Gov. King appointed advisory committees (Executive Order no. 174, Jan. 23, 1980) assigned to the six major areas covered in the report. The committees were assembled to provide guidance to state agencies in implementing the task force’s recommendations and to report periodically to the task force board of directors and to the governor. –The Governor’s Management Task Force concentrated on analyzing and suggesting improvements for agencies relating to: personnel administration, data processing, financial management, purchasing, revenue, and motor vehicle registration. Operational reviews were conducted over 36 weeks by three teams. Each of the teams prepared an analysis of agency operations, efficiency, and function. Additional guidance was provided by a 21-member board of directors, and over 300 private sector organizations contributed financial support and management specialists to the task force. During the study, primary emphasis was placed on improving management operations in state government rather than producing short-term financial benefits. At its conclusion, one major observation of the task force was the need for additional training at all levels within the state government. Other prominent recommendations included the upgrading of departmental equipment, executive education programs, and development of electronic data processing systems. –On Jan. 31, 1980, Gov. King signed and filed a legislative package to implement seventeen of the task force recommendations over a two-year period. To ensure tangible improvements, the governor requested continued assistance from the task force board of directors and team leaders in addition to the advisory committees during the review and implementation period. These committees made priority recommendations and established completion dates from 1980 to 1982.
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