
Massachusetts Archives


Transcript of hearings [Massachusetts Board to Investigate the Subject of the Unemployed]

Part of: Board to Investigate the Subject of the Unemployed

Transcript of hearings, 1894-1895.

1 document box, 4 file folders (partial document box), 2 partial microfilm reels
Call no.: CO29/1354X

Scope and Content: The Board to Investigate the Subject of the Unemployed inquired into the subject of the unemployed in Massachusetts and measures for their relief by the Commonwealth and its municipalities.  To further its investigations the board held hearings at which private and public sector employers and union officials from throughout the state testified in response to a series of set questions regarding levels of employment/unemployment and wages/trade-union benefits paid, 1892-1894, as recorded in this series.
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by hearing date
Notes: Lacks pages 222-295, 1531-1552, 1611-1688
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