
Massachusetts Archives


Files on the Massachusetts-Connecticut boundary [Massachusetts Commissioners to Ascertain the Boundary Line between Massachusetts and Connecticut]

Part of: Commissioners to Ascertain the Boundary Line between Massachusetts and Connecticut

Files on the Massachusetts-Connecticut boundary, 1791-1913 (Bulk: 1791-1827).

1 document box
Call no.: CO5/112X

Scope and Content: Several groups of Massachusetts commissioners worked with their Connecticut counterparts to resolve disputes that surfaced after the Revolutionary War concerning the boundary between the two states.  An agreement was reached on the section of the line west of the Connecticut River in 1803 and on the line east of the Connecticut River in 1826.  These files were created by the various commissioners and compiled by the state secretary to assist in the resolution of the boundary line dispute.
Notes: Formerly part of state secretary’s: Miscellaneous Collection, box 64
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